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Warhammer 40k Wiki

Wraithbone is the main construction material of the Eldar, and the staple of their psycho-technic engineering. It is brought forth from the warp and shaped by Bonesingers through psychic power. It is used to create the craftworlds of the Eldar, their tanks and other vehicles, constructs such as the Wraithguard and Wraithlords, weapons and armour. It is a psychic conductor and so not only provides the structure for the things built of it, but also power distribution and communications. Wraithbone is a highly resilient material, and capable of limited self-repair. It, and the other building materials of the Eldar, will grow and react more like living tissue than the building materials of other races (save for the Tyranids' bio-constructs).

Eldar Wraithlord 3

A wraithlord, a construct made of Wraithbone

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This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It contains material that was imported from the Wikipedia article "Weapons, equipment and vehicles of the Craftworld Eldar (Warhammer 40,000)". The previous authors can be seen on the history page of Weapons, equipment and vehicles of the Craftworld Eldar.
