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Warhammer 40k Wiki
Warhammer 40k Wiki

A Reaver-class Titan outfitted with a Warp Missile launcher.

A Warp Missile is an Imperial Titan support weapon that travels through Warpspace, the strange chaotic dimension used by Imperial starships to span immense distances in realspace.

The missile, equipped with a massive explosive payload, enters the Immaterium when it is fired, and is programmed to re-enter normal space on the other side of the target's Void Shields. It may sometimes materialise inside the target itself.

However there is a chance that the missile will exit from Warpspace at an entirely different point, potentially any location within this or another universe.

A Warp Missile is a special type of support missile used by Imperial Titans. Like other support missiles the Warp Missile takes up one carapace point on the Titan and is usually fitted to the walker before a battle.


  • Adeptus Titanicus Rulebook (1st Edition), pp. 36-37