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Legio Metalica Doloris Dominus Warmaster Titan

The Warmaster-class Heavy Battle Titan Doloris Dominus of the Legio Metalica

The Warmaster-class Titan is a Heavy Battle Titan that makes it amongst the most powerful classes of Titans in the Imperium of Man. This god-engine is one of several classes of massive, crewed, robotic combat walkers fielded by the Titan Legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus' Collegia Titanica.

Looming over even a Warlord-class Titan at 40.91 metres (approximately 134 feet) in height, the Warmaster is equipped with a pair of Suzerain-class Plasma Destructors that turn anything they hit into molten slag, a Titan-sized Revelator Missile Launcher and a pair of Turbo-Laser Destructors (or similarly destructive weapons) mounted under the carapace.

For protection the Warmaster is equipped with seven void shield generators. Six servitor clades also mean that repairing damage is easier for the Heavy Battle Titan's commanding princeps.

The Warmaster Titan's crew consists of a princeps and 3 to 6 moderati, including a maximus, steersman, navigator, sensorius, oratorius and tacticarus.


Warmaster Titan Size Comparison

Size comparison chart of Imperial Titans, including the Warmaster, which is 40.91 metres tall (approx. 134 feet).

The Collegia Titanica boasts some of the most powerful and destructive war machines in the galaxy -- colossal god-engines that can obliterate entire battlegroups of infantry in a single salvo and annihilate armored vehicles with impunity using their vast arsenal of earth-shattering weapons.

These war machines are knowns as Titans, and they tower over the armies that fight alongside them -- a terrifying sight to their foes and a portent of certain victory for their allies.


A schematic of a post-Great Crusade Mars Pattern Warmaster-class Heavy Battle Titan

Yet during the dark days of the Horus Heresy, oaths were broken and allegiances betrayed. Entire Titan Legions turned upon each other to bring wrack and ruin to countless worlds. The darkest depths of the Collegia Titanica's Titan Legion vaults were opened and the deadliest and most destructive god-engines deployed. Among their number was the Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan.

It took a conflict on the scale of the Horus Heresy -- a war that resulted in the nascent Imperium being torn apart and the Space Marine Legions turning against one another -- for the ancient Mechanicum to unleash the Warmaster-class Heavy Battle Titan.

The title of Warmaster is one now tainted by betrayal, the once-lauded honorific a bitter reminder of the once-favoured son who became the Imperium's most abhorrent of foes. Perhaps it was the treacherous actions of Horus Lupercal that gave name to the Warmaster-class Titan, or perhaps fate itself was foreshadowing passages of history yet unwritten when the name was bestowed. Either way, the god-engine's very existence was in many ways an act of treachery of the highest order, its existence kept hidden from most, perhaps even the Emperor Himself, until the latter days of the Horus Heresy.

With the virtue of hindsight it is perhaps unsurprising that the ancient Mechanicum kept knowledge of this mighty god-engine from Mankind, for ever did the Cult Mechanicus build upon foundations of secrets. Indeed, it was through its own knowledge and expertise in technology that the Cult Mechanicus rose to power, and retained it by sharing only what it deemed necessary. Even amongst its own order, a measure of ignorance was maintained, with rival Forge Worlds often refusing to exchange knowledge so that the hoarder might stand above the ignorant.

Yet the Warmaster Titan was not a tool of political power nor a pillar of strength, but a weapon of apocalyptic death and destruction, shrouded and slumbering until a Forge World stood at the very precipice of extinction. On that day, the Warmaster Titan would stride to war, leaving naught but blood and ash in its wake. Its very existence was a protected secret within the highest echelons of the Mechanicum, one never spoken of openly, to peers or to outsiders.

Warmaster Titan Picstich

Closer details of a Warmaster-class Titan's construction, its Suzerain-class Plasma Destructors and its Revelator Missile Launcher.

The first rumours of a new pattern of god-engine emerged from Mars following the Death of Innocence which ignited the Schism of Mars, with tales told of towering engines of war, their like yet unseen, marching to battle. Such tales spoke of six forge-fanes of Phoenicis brought low in a single solar day by a mobile fortress filled with wrath; of thousands rendered to ash in a singular storm of plasma; of maniples of Titans, Loyalist and Traitor alike, torn apart by a god-engine contemptuous of its inferiors and the weapons they wielded.

Such tales were discarded as myth and fancy, conjured forth by terrified minds broken by the changing galaxy. Yet the emergence of the Warmaster Titan could not be ignored forever, for the god-engines were a final contingency plan, an exemplar of the ethos that peace must be bought with blood and, should victory prove impossible, ally and enemy alike should burn before a Forge World could fall.

In battle, a Warmaster Titan is a tool of eradication that rarely rests, sent to stride across the ashes of its foes and tear down any stronghold they shelter in. Little can halt its ponderous advance, for its ceramite-plated form is designed to withstand barrages of artillery and Titan-grade weaponry; where even a Warlord Titan might fall, a Warmaster Titan would stand unwavering. The least of its weapons are those wielded by a Warhound Scout Titan, borne within the Warmaster 's shoulders, while the god-engine's own arms and carapace bear weapons tailored for complete annihilation -- Plasma Destructors that render foes to atoms and barrages of Titan-grade missiles that can slay super-heavy tanks and other Titans alike.

Though few Titan Legions held a Warmaster Titan within their ranks, and far fewer still lay claim to several, the Horus Heresy was the crucible for which this god-engine was first conceived. For the first time in millennia, the Warmaster Titan strode forth across the galaxy, a living embodiment of the Omnissiah and the deadly ingenuity of His servants.

In time, the title of Warmaster was borne by two, god-engine and arch-traitor, yet stood for both the same -- a perpetrator of annihilation and a foe against whom few could stand.

Notable Campaigns

Warmaster Titan Art

A Warmaster-class Titan in combat against the foe.

  • Schism of Mars (005-006.M31) - In the opening solar months of the Horus Heresy, the true depth of the Warmaster Horus' treachery was revealed. Nine Space Marine Legions turned against the Emperor, and across the galaxy, innumerable worlds cast aside their oaths to the Imperium in favor of His once favored son. Even the leader of the ancient Mechanicum -- Fabricator-General Kelbor-Hal -- had been lured down treasonous paths, plunging the Red Planet into war after receiving promises of access to technologies the Emperor had long deemed forbidden. Of those Titan Legions stationed on the Red Planet, of which nearly two dozen were present when conflict gripped Mars, the most prominent were those of the Triad Ferrum Morgulus, the first three Titan Legions ever raised. Rivalry between the Legio Ignatum, the Legio Tempestus and the Legio Mortis was all too common and quickly escalated into bloodshed during the Horus Heresy. Indeed, Legio Mortis, ever-loyal enforcers of the fabricator-general's will, proved eager to lay low their erstwhile allies. With brutal efficiency, battlegroups of the Death's Heads Titans fell upon those forge-fanes guarded by the Fire Wasps in an effort to exterminate all pockets of potential resistance on the red planet. At the forefront of the Legio Mortis forces strode newly awakened Warmaster Titans, their presence marking the new era of bloodshed that had fallen upon the galaxy. In its wake, Mars plunged into civil war, the Traitors' victory so complete that word of the existence of a new class of god-engine would not reach Terra until the Horus directly threatened the cradle of Humanity during the Siege of Terra.
  • Siege of Taravo'Anor (Unknown Date.M31) - Located in the northern reaches of the Segmentum Obscurus, Trav'anor was an oddity in terms of a Mechanicum holding. An Industrial World, Travo'anor was rediscovered during the Great Crusade. Its people were eager to take their place in the burgeoning Imperium and to share their own knowledge with that of the Mechanicum. In time, the planet became a chief producer of armaments in the Segmentum Obscurus, serving as a vital resupply point for expeditionary fleets moving to the war front. By the time of the Horus Heresy, Travo'anor maintained ties with multiple Forge Worlds, from which its production capabilities vastly benefitted. Repeated attempts had been made, both by Mars and numerous other prominent Forge Worlds, to bind the planet to a single Mechanicum enclave. This was ardently resisted by the people of Travo'anor, who favoured no one side over the other. To gain favour, many Forge Worlds were granted permission to build forge-fanes upon the planet and its moons, providing them a base of operations. Many Forge Worlds took this as an opportunity to garrison Titan demi-Legios and other military forces in preparation for forays into the Segmentum Obscurus. In turn, Travo'anor was well-protected, with nearly a dozen Titan Legions having established a presence on the world during the later years of the Great Crusade. The diplomatic efforts of Travo'anor proved problematic when Horus' treachery was revealed, with the loyalties of the invited guardians split between the two sides. The most prominent of Loyalists stationed upon Travo'anor proved to be those of the Legio Destructor, Legio Ignatum and Legio Crucius, three Titan Legions of much renown. These Titan Legions were noted for their forward planning and had long-prepared for the escalation of tensions amongst rival Mechanicum factions both on Travo'anor and elsewhere. As such, their own forge-fanes were considerably reinforced, and the true extent of military forces deployed there was concealed from all but their own. Though none could have predicted the scale of conflict unleashed by the Horus Heresy, their move towards increased security proved prudent, for many of Horus' allies greatly desired the planet's resources. The moons of Travo'anor soon saw open war as Titan Legions turned upon one another and Traitor forces moved to secure the Industrial World. A significant battle during the opening days of the Siege of Travo'anor was centered around the forge-fane of Novavistra, capital of the planet. It was here that the leadership of Travo'anor sat, and thus it proved a priority target for the Traitor forces. When assaulted by more conventional ground forces failed, the Traitors moved their Titan Legions in, hoping to decapitate the leadership of Travo'anor before they could flee. In response, the Loyalists -- who were hard-pressed across multiple fronts -- unveiled their masterstroke. As several maniples of Traitor Titans advanced on Novavistra, Titan Landers transported a handful of Warmaster Titans, drawn from four different Titan Legions, in their path. Sent to Travo'anor to serve should a dire need arise within the Segmentum Obscurus, the behemoth god-engines were all that stood before the advancing Traitors and the evacuating forge-fane. Though greatly outnumbered, the Warmaster Titans quickly proved they were far from outgunned.


Warmaster Titan Model

A Warmaster-class Heavy Battle Titan armed with Suzerain-class Plasma Destructors and Revelator Missile Launcher.

Collegia Titanica Technical Specifications

Vehicle Name: Warmaster-class Heavy Battle Titan Main Armament: 2 Suzerain-class Plasma Destructors
1 Revelator Missile Launcher
2 Double-barreled Turbo-Laser Destructors
or 2 Inferno Guns
or 2 Melta Cannons
or 2 Vulcan Mega Bolters
or 2 Plasma Blastguns
or 2 Apocalypse Missile Launchers
Forge World of Origin: Mars Secondary Armament: 4 Twin-linked Ardex-Defensor Autocannons
2 light shoulder cannons
1 Twin-linked Lascannon
1 Missile Launcher pod
Known Patterns: Mars Pattern Traverse: Unknown
Crew: 9-15; including 1 Princeps, 3-6 Moderati, 6 Servitor clades Elevation: Unknown
Powerplant: Omega-Primus Plasma Reactor and Ancillary Reactor Systems (see above) Main Ammunition: Variable
Weight: 21/174TF Secondary Ammunition: Variable
Length: Unknown Armour
Width: Unknown
Height: 40.91 metres (134 feet) Superstructure: 16-30" thickness ceramite/plasteel
Ground Clearance: Unknown Hull: Unknown
Max Speed - on road Unknown Gun Mantlet N/A
Max Speed - off road: Unknown Vehicle Designation: Unknown
Transport Capacity: None Firing Ports: N/A
Access Points: N/A Turret: N/A

Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan

Legio Tempestus Warmaster Iconoclast Titan

Legio Tempestor Warmaster Iconoclast-class Heavy Battle Titan Ceraunthanato

The Warmaster Iconoclast Titan is a Heavy Battle Titan specifically adapted to close melee combat and the destruction of static enemy fortifications and defensive emplacements.

Though the Warmaster-class Heavy Battle Titans were originally hidden from the sight of the Emperor and the wider Imperium by the ancient Mechanicum, they did not simply rest idle within the war vaults of their Titan Legions. Long had the Mechanicum laboured to produce a god-engine intended to safeguard a Forge World in times of great peril and, in doing so, the Warmaster Titan was born.

Yet, Titan Legions of more aggressive mien sought not simply to stave off extinction but to strike back against any aggressor who dared bring their Forge World to the precipice. To this end, a new pattern was born, based upon the standard Warmaster Titan yet different in armament and purpose, a tool of vengeful eradication aimed directly at the heart of the foe. This variant class of Titan bore the name Iconoclast.

When reports of the Warmaster Iconoclast variant first emerged during the Horus Heresy, many on both sides of the civil war presumed it simply a retrofit of the Warmaster-class Titan. Indeed, in appearance the two Titans are similar, based as they are upon the same chassis and possessed of similar defensive and offensive capabilities. Yet, it is the beating heart of the Iconoclast that sets it apart, for within each one dwells a Machine Spirit of noticeable ferocity, its lust for war and bellicose demeanour far more akin to that of a frenzied animal than that of the anima housed within other god-engines.


Schematic of a Legio Titanica Warmaster Iconoclast-class Heavy Battle Titan of the Post-Great Crusade era

When awakened, the Machine Spirit of a Warmaster Iconoclast-class Titan desires nothing more than to march into the thickest fighting, lay waste to the edifices of its foe, and slake its anger on any who would defy it. The sheer potency of the Warmaster Iconoclast ensures only the most self-assured of princeps have the strength of will necessary to tame the beast within it.

In battle, the Warmaster Iconoclast serves as the Omnissiah's vanguard, often the first god-engine to march when the enemy cowers within seemingly impenetrable strongholds. While the apocalyptic might of each god-engine can lay waste to swathes of enemy territory, the Warmaster Iconoclast is specifically equipped to face fortresses prepared for more conventional methods of siege warfare. Layers of void shields surrounding a fortification offer little protection, for the god-engine simply strides into the teeth of the enemy guns and through the shields.

It is in close-quarters warfare that the Warmaster Iconoclast truly excels, for face to face with the enemy is where it can unleash its barely-restrained wrath, raking entrenched foes with Flamers, Melta Cannon and sustained gatling bursts. What little remains is brought low by close-quarters weapons specifically engineered for the Warmaster Iconoclast, its Krius Siege Drill tearing through thickened armour plating with ease and wide sweeps of its Desolator Chainsword eradicating entire squadrons of armoured vehicles. Once all within reach have fallen, the Iconoclast marches forth once more, never to rest until only the true servants of the Omnissiah remain.

The Warmaster Iconoclast is a god-engine designed with singular purpose, a tool created for nothing short of obliteration. Even its plasma reactors feature modifications intended for engaging the foe up close, with dedicated void shunts designed to weather the fiercest firepower and kinetic transducers that utilise the Titan's movement to empower its weapons. Those few who know of the Warmaster Iconoclast-class' existence fear its arrival upon the battlefield, for the march of such a god-engine renders the impenetrable into little more than an inconvenience.

Where the Warmaster-class is feared for its destructive prowess, fear of the Warmaster Iconoclast echoes forwards, for where it treads civilisations fall, nought but rubble left behind to mark their passing.



A Warmaster Iconoclast-class Heavy Battle Titan of the Legio Gryphonicus armed with Desolator Chainsword, Krius Siege Drill, Cruciator Gatling Array and Vulcan Mega Bolters.


The Warmaster-class Titan was originally inspired by an early art work done by Jes Goodwin for Games Workshop in 1988 for the 1st Edition of the Adeptus Titanicus specialty game, the first game in the Warhammer 40,000 universe to introduce the smaller Epic-scale miniatures.

Over thirty years later, this Titan is the first new design to be created for the Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy specialty tabletop game that did not exist in prior Warhammer 40,000 lore.



Scout Titans Rapier-class TitanWarhound-class Titan (Wolf-class TitanMastiff-class TitanJackal-class Titan)
Heavy Scout Titans Dire Wolf-class Titan
Battle Titans Reaver-class TitanCarnivore-class TitanMirage-class TitanKomodo-class TitanExecutor-class TitanWarbringer Nemesis-class TitanPunisher-class TitanWarlord-class Titan (Death Bringer-class TitanEclipse-class TitanNightgaunt-class TitanNemesis-class TitanWarlord-Sinister-class Psi-Titan) • Siege TitanApocalypse-class Titan
Heavy Battle Titans Warmaster-class Titan (Warmaster Iconoclast-class Titan)
Emperor Titans Imperator-class TitanWarmonger-class Titan
Chaos Titans Subjugator Scout TitanQuestor Scout TitanFeral-class TitanRavager-class TitanBanelord-class TitanPlaguelord-class TitanPainlord-class TitanWarplord-class Titan
STC Titan Castigator-class Titan