Warhammer 40k Wiki
Warhammer 40k Wiki

"My appearance comes from my heritage, generation after generation of people who spent their entire lives in the depths of the voidship."

—Vox Master Vigdis to the new Rogue Trader of House von Valancius.

Vox Master Vigdis of the voidborn Toliman dynasty, who have served as the vox masters of the House von Valancius Rogue Trader flagship for generations.

Vox Master Vigdis, whose full name is Octavus Vigdis Surri Otta of the Toliman dynasty, is the vox master of the House von Valancius Rogue Trader dynasty's flagship. She is a voidborn of the Toliman vassal family who have been in the service of House von Valancius for generations as the vox masters, or chief communications officers, of their Rogue Trader's flagship.

Vigdis is in charge of all vox communication within the von Valancius flagship and initiates all vox communications with other ships, void stations or planetary surfaces wherever the flagship goes. Vigdis immediately assumed the duty of vox master upon the demise of Vox Master Septimus, her grandfather, during the Warp incursion on the flagship that also led to the assassination of Lord Captain Theodora von Valancius.

Vox Master Vigdis is good friends with the diviner Idira Tlass. After the death of Theodora von Valancius, their relationship has become more distant as both possess new responsibilties and the difficulties of dealing with the new Rogue Trader who has succeeded Theodora at the head of the dynasty.

Vigdis has been heavily augmented by bionics like all in her family, which are intended to give her a direct mind-to-cogitator link with the flagship's vox systems.

