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The Void Strider Kindred was a Kindred of the Greater Thurian League of the Leagues of Votann located in the galactic core. This Kindred was swallowed by Warp Storm Örgvayr when it was created in northeastern Thurian space with the birth of the Great Rift in the Era Indomitus.

Its pan spectral arrays, alongside those of the equally doomed Thurian Lâkhryr's Kindred, gave some small forewarning of the Warp storm's eruption, and so ragged flotillas of Kin refugee ships limped from the fringes of Warp Storm Örgvayr solar days after its emergence, their passengers telling of holds dissolved into raw madness or overrun by howling Daemons.


  • Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pg. 16