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Insiginia of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance

The Trans-Hyperian Alliance is a major league of the Leagues of Votann located in the galactic core and maintaining territories in Far-space. The Trans-Hyperian Alliance are the furthest travelled of the Leagues of Votann. Many of the Kin Prospects that penetrate deep into Far-space wear their distinctive orange void armour, and their Hernkyn are renowned for both their tenacity and frontiersman's drive to banish the darkness beyond the edges of maps.

The Kindreds of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance are scattered far and wide, with many of their holds maintained aboard voidships cruising at the heart of nomadic fleets. Observing a secular cult of ancestral veneration that surpasses the dedication of the rest of their species, the Kin of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance are ever on the move, always seeking new knowledge and conquests to enrich the Votann.

Ever-mobile -- and often strung-out and under-strength -- the Kin of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance are no strangers to fighting against the odds. They relish such hardships, however, and strive all the more fiercely to apply their hard-won experience to every conflict, the better to honour the Votann and the Ancestors.

League History[]


Trans-Hyperian Alliance Hernkyn are among the furthest-travelled and most courageous of the Kin.

The Kindreds of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance are peopled with explorers and adventurers. They seek out new Warp routes, trade partners and mysteries with an almost compulsive determination, and their Forges labour constantly to produce swift and powerful voidcraft.

While they control vast swathes of territory both within and outside of the galactic core, these holdings are far-flung and thinly spread. Many Trans-Hyperian Kindreds dwell in isolated pockets, or maintain their holds aboard nomadic fleets that are ever on the move. The league remains well-connected despite this astrographical dispersion, for lighter voidcraft streak between the scattered Trans-Hyperian Kindreds bearing news of discoveries and threats.

Even the league's Votann -- of which it boasts a remarkable three -- are ever-mobile, nestled deep within fortified voidships and accompanied by sizable fleets. Ancient technologies within their Fanes ensure that every Trans-Hyperian Kindred stays updated with the coordinates of their Votann, the information displayed in a cleverly scrambled manner useless to even the most cunning enemy boarders. The Kin, after all, do not want any foe discovering the existence and location of their Votann by unfortunate chance.


A Kin miner and his robotic COG assistant of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance hard at work.

The driving force behind the constant striving and seeking of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance is their dedication to the enrichment of the Votann. In this, they come as close as any of their race to genuine religious fervour. A cult of Ancestor worship prevails throughout the Alliance, whose Fanes are always filled with small votive offerings to respected Ancestors. Other Kin find this practise strange and wasteful, but the folk of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance say that doing honour to their Ancestors is "a transaction only of value, never of cost." They view exploration, adventure and battle that way also, driven ever to scatter across the stars and seek out the greatest enrichment -- and material riches -- in their Ancestors' names.


A Trans-Hyperian Alliance Hearthkyn

The Ancestor worship within the Trans-Hyperian Alliance borders on the puritanical. So wholly determined are its Kin to live up to the impossible standards of their forebears, that they will endure unbelievable hardships and keep fighting to survive and prevail -- even should they be terribly injured.

Hernkyn are held in especially high esteem in the Trans-Hyperian Alliance, and a great number of their populace spend at least some time amongst these wandering ranger bands. Only rarely does the entire league rally as a coherent force, and that is usually when one of their wandering Votann comes under direct threat. At such times, the Trans-Hyperian Kindreds cast aside all other considerations, retreating from hard-fought campaigns, breaking oaths with allied powers, and even setting aside Grudges as they race to the aid of the Ancestor Cores they venerate so greatly.

Notable Kindreds[]

  • Nôthka's Kindred - So hardy and technologically advanced are the Kin, that they have claimed many regions of space viewed by other starfaring species as inimical. Nôthka's Kindred, for example, maintains a hold amidst the calamitous ruin-belt of the Broken Triplets. This trio of worlds were smashed together during some ancient catastrophe, and the colossal quantities of debris from their demise still whirls and ricochets in a vast cloud to this day, trapped by the gravitic anomaly that caused the disaster. Few other peoples could consider such a devastating region home, yet the hold of Nôthka's Kindred -- Sunder Stair -- sits at the heart of the anomaly behind a breathtaking bulwark of interwoven force fields. These both shelter the immense void station that serves as the hold and also maintain clear space lanes for its voidcraft to take in and out of the system. Not only do the Kin of Sunder Stair enjoy the natural defence of the planetary ruin-belt -- which would swiftly cripple invading voidcraft -- but they have also spent Terran centuries mining the exposed innards of the Broken Triplets.
  • Ukûlak's Kindred - Ukûlak's Kindred have chosen to honour their league's exploratory traditions by having every last one of their Kin serve at least a Terran decade as Hernkyn during their early years.
  • Farsail of Thryk Kindred - A far-travelled people, the Kin of the Farsail of Thryk embark on exploration and adventure with compulsive determination. While other leagues may dispatch large Prospects or Oathbands into the void to bring back resources and knowledge, the Farsail of Thryk Kindred are entirely voidborne and ever on the move. Their hold is an entire fleet of huge voidships complete with fortified city, mining, and factory vessels escorted by heavy warships. In the wake of the fall of the space hulk called the Gallowdark to the Forge World of Bheta-Decima in the Nemesys Sector of the Segmentum Tempestus, the Genestealer Cult present on Bheta-Decima known as the Cult of the Chittering Verse has since managed to finally draw the notice of the xenos they call the "Star-Children," who they believe will soon arrive to save them from the present conflict and usher in their long-promised spiritual salvation. As such, a small splinter of Hive Fleet Leviathan is currently en route to Bheta-Decima, but its bio-ships were detected in transit and engaged by the Farsail of Thryk Kindred of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance league. These Kin seek to trap and then harvest the resources of the splinter fleet, as the Leagues of Votann have discovered that they can render bio-ship organic matter into rare and exotic compounds that can be used in all sorts of highly profitable applications, from new medicae treatments to voidship engineering projects. Scout vessels were deployed ahead of the Tyranid splinter fleet to identify its prey worlds, but the Quicksilver-class Scout Ship Vektrônn's Eye was shot down over Bheta-Decima by the Genestealer Cultists. The ship crashed into the central hold of their Genestealer Patriarch in the subterranean region known as the Seethe, named the Deeprealm. In a desperate panic, the troops of the Chittering Verse, including the Traitoris Militarum Cadian Neo-917th Regiment comprised of Brood Brothers and Genestealer hybrids, descended upon the wreckage of the Leagues of Votann ship and were battling with its Kin to eradicate the intrusion.

League Worlds[]

  • Broken Triplets (Hold World) - The Broken Triplets are actually a trio of worlds found in the galactic core where the three planets were smashed together during some ancient catastrophe, and the colossal quantities of debris from their demise still whirls and ricochets in a vast cloud to this day, trapped by the gravitic anomaly that caused the disaster. The Broken Triplets is home to the Trans-Hyperian hold of Sunder Stair of Nôthka's Kindred, a void station that exists precariously yet safely at the heart of the three shattered worlds through the use of overlapping force fields.

League Relics[]

CORV Duas[]

Originally fashioned aboard the hold ship of Urvû's Kindred during the years of the Longest March, these robotic CORV COG units contain shards of psychoactive crystal recovered from a scintillating anomaly of the galactic core. Like escorts around a capital ship, the CORV Duas employ their psycho-amplified resilience to shield their companion Grimnyr from harm. At the same time, the empyric resonance generated by their presence magnifies the fortitude of the Grimnyr's barrier-tech, helping them to ward off harmful enemy manifestations.

League Appearance[]

League Colours[]

The Kinhosts of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance wear colours of orange and white.

League Insignia[]

The insignia of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance is a stylised Kin glyph.


  • Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pp. 10, 25, 29, 31, 52
  • Kill Team: Termination (Specialist Game), pp. 4-9, 27-28