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Armed Zoat

The Zoat known as the Archivist and the Men of Iron robot UR-025 exploring the Seventh Blackstone Fortress.

The Archivist is an independent Zoat who was involved in the plunder of the Seventh Blackstone Fortress.

It is currently at large in the galaxy, pursuing its quest for the discovery of archeotech artefacts.


The Zoat known as the Archivist first crossed paths with Imperial agents on the space station Precipice, where species of many kinds gather and plan expeditions into the Seventh Blackstone Fortress that looms nearby. Even amongst the diverse populace of Precipice, the creature stood out, its large reptilian body and bio-technological augmentations unlike anything else seen on the station.

Presenting itself as a data trader, the Archivist approached a group of explorers, offering an opportunity to quell the roiling chaos in an area of the Blackstone Fortress known as "the Seethe" -- a barely navigable region of constantly shifting matter.

There the Archivist had identified fragments of an ancient Zoat spacecraft belonging to the individual it called The Forerunner and, ever driven by the desire for precious archeotech, had resolved to salvage the remnants of the vessel before they were lost to the churning maelstrom.

Crucial to its plan was another Zoat relic, the Grayl Intulia, which would give its bearer a measure of control over the Seethe's riotous turbulence and grant access to areas otherwise impassable.

Once the remains of the Zoat ship had been reclaimed with the explorers’ aid, the Archivist pledged that it would calm the upheaval of the Seethe permanently with the use of the Grayl Intulia.

In truth, the Archivist's proposals were just one facet of a much wider manipulation that affected many different exploring parties on Precipice and prompted several ventures into the Blackstone Fortress – some successful, others disastrous.

Once the duplicitous Zoat had stockpiled a large personal cache of artefacts, it disappeared, leaving many promises unfulfilled and many hapless allies trapped in the maddening depths of the fortress.

The Archivist now roams as a free agent, capitalising on the laxity of regional authorities and salvaging relics amidst the anarchy that has proliferated in the age of the Cicatrix Maledictum. Wherever it encounters the operatives of other intelligent species, the Zoat draws upon all of its technology and intellect to disrupt their activities or mould them to its purposes, particularly when rare archeotech is at stake.

Those the Archivist cannot coerce in this way soon find themselves facing much more hostile methods, as the creature will not hesitate to engage its formidable Atomic Disassembler or Eradicator Glove to destroy all who resist its manipulations.


  • Atomic Disassembler
  • Eradicator Glove


  • White Dwarf 452 (March 2020), pp. 46-48