A sigil commonly used to represent the Kin of the Leagues of Votann as a whole.
The Tethys Expanse is a league of the Leagues of Votann that is located in the galactic core. The territory of the Tethys Expanse is extremely widespread over a large expanse of space. Its Kindreds maintain contact with one another by means of a singularly potent interstellar communications network, whose proprietary technologies they will only lease to other leagues for a substantial fee.
"Tethys" here is a play on Tethys from Greek mythology, who was a Titan daughter of Uranus and Gaia, the personifications of the sky and earth, a sister and wife of the Titan Oceanus, and the mother of the river gods and the Oceanids.
The use of the name here coincides with the general reliance upon the mythological nomenclature and imagery, particularly that of legendary giants, used in the fictional culture of the Leagues of Votann.
- Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pg. 31