Törg is a Kin World and a Mining World of the Greater Thurian League of the Leagues of Votann located in the galactic core. It is an outlying world in that Kin league's space and many Terran years of deep-core tectonic mining have left Törg riven by great chasms.
It is now a hostile mass of jagged stone, exposed magma veins, convulsing super-volcanoes and toxic fumes, which the Greater Thurian League's harvester fortresses traverse as they mine Törg's mineral wealth.
In the Era Indomitus the world was invaded by Chaos Space Marines belonging to the warbands of the Khornate World Eaters and the Nurglites called The Purge during the Battle of Örgvayr. These Heretic Astartes arrived in a small flotilla of voidships and overran the Greater Thurian League void docks that orbited Törg, before then assaulting the Kin harvester fortresses on the world itself.
The miners of the Greater Thurian League's Cthonian Mining Guild were now trapped in their harvester fortresses. A plea for aid was sent out to the Greater Thurian League even as the Chaos Space Marines attacked. The Kin of Törg's plea was answered by Kâhl Ûthar the Destined and several Oathbands dispatched by his own home Kindred of Vôrtun to defeat the Chaos invaders.
Despite assaults by the Heretic Astartes, these Oathbands were able to rescue both the miners and much of their valuable harvested raw materials. Ûthar slew the World Eaters Chaos Lord Hakatar in single combat with the Blade of the Ancestors.
- Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pp. 16-17
- Warhammer Combat Cards (Mobile Game), "The Battle of Törg" event