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Warhammer 40k Wiki

A Swamp World is not an official Imperial planetological classification, but a term in common usage among Imperial citizens for those planets whose environments are characterized by high heat and humidity and in which the majority of the surface is covered by swamps, marshes and bogs. Vast extents of nigh-impenetrable swamp territories is the main, distinctive feature of these worlds. Swamp Worlds are often inhabited by many dangerous creatures.

Due to the convoluted nature of the Imperial planetological classification system, Swamp Worlds can be given this classification or can be listed as a sub-category of Death Worlds if their native flora and fauna are particularly aggressive and predatory.

Notable Swamp Worlds[]

Planet Name Segmentum Sector Sub-Sector System Population
Dulcis Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown None (40 million formerly)
Exhubris II Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown, also a Tomb World
Galmor Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Strank Segmentum Obscurus Calixis Sector Golgenna Reach Unknown Unknown


  • White Dwarf 305 (UK), pp. 64-65

Worlds of the Galaxy
General/Environmental Classifications Chem WorldDead WorldDeath WorldDesert WorldDerelict WorldIce WorldForest WorldJungle WorldMountain WorldOcean WorldRad WorldSwamp World
Imperial Classifications Abattoir WorldAdeptus Astartes HomeworldAgri-worldAnchor WorldArboreal WorldArchive WorldArmoury WorldAstropathic Relay StationBattery WorldCardinal WorldCemetery WorldCivilised WorldDelverworldFeral WorldFeudal WorldForbidden WorldForge WorldFortress WorldFrontier WorldHive WorldHub-FortressIndustrial WorldKnight WorldLabyrinth WorldLumber WorldMenagerie WorldMerchant WorldMining WorldPenal WorldPenitent WorldPleasure WorldQurantined WorldQuarry WorldRefugee WorldRepository WorldResearch StationSentinel WorldShrine WorldWar WorldWaste World
Chaos Classifications Daemon WorldHell-ForgeFallen Knight World
Xenos Classifications CraftworldCrone WorldExodite WorldHold WorldKin WorldMaiden WorldOrk WorldT'au SeptSept WorldTomb WorldXenos World