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Stormfang Gunships during an attack run

The Stormfang, officially the Stormfang Gunship, is a specialised gunship used solely by the Space Wolves Space Marine Chapter. The Stormfang is a variant of the Stormwolf Assault Boat, another vehicle used only by the Space Wolves. For the Space Wolves, the Stormfang Gunship is considered the final word in aerial superiority. Designed to dominate the skies in the same manner as the dreaded ice wyrms of Fenris, the Stormfang's ferocious armament mirrors the fighting qualities of the Space Wolves themselves.

The large troop hold of the Stormwolf is nearly removed, mostly replaced with a single Helfrost Destructor that runs along the length of each of these deadly Attack Craft. Helfrost Weapons are designed to freeze their target area to absolute zero in an instant. Even when faced with notoriously unyielding materials such as ceramite, ferrocrete or even Eldar Wraithbone, none can hope to withstand the thermal shock of plummeting to such a low temperature, shattering beneath the beam's icy touch into millions of frozen fragments. Many Stormfang pilots are boastful of the deadly firepower they have at their command, marking their craft with tallies of their fallen foes.



The Stormfang's Helfrost Destructor

In addition to the centrally-mounted Helfrost Destructor, the Stormfang Gunship is also armed with two sets of sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters and two dorsal-mounted Stormstrike Missiles. The Stormfang can have its sponson weapons replaced with either two Skyhammer Missile Launchers, or two sets of twin-linked Multi-Meltas, and the dorsal missile launchers can be replaced with a set of twin-linked Lascannons. The Stormfang is also equipped with armoured ceramite plating, and a robust Machine Spirit (artificial intelligence) to help with navigation and targetting.

Known Formations[]

Ice Storm Assault Pack[]


A Space Wolves' Ice Storm Assault Pack

Taking their name from the freezing tempests that regularly batter the surface of Fenris, the Ice Storm Assault Pack formation excels in planetary assaults where the Space Wolves fight to seize secure drop sites and ferry their battle Packs to the ground. These Packs are formed around cores of Stormwolf Assault Boats, with Stormfang Gunships running an escort to ensure no enemy threatens the landfall. As the assault boats thunder in to land, the gunships roar overhead, their Helfrost Destructors spewing beams of ultra-cold energy that freeze the enemy to creaking statues. With their victims trapped in icy tombs, the disembarking Space Wolves pounce upon their easy prey and smash them to bloody, ice-wreathed shards.

Notable Stormfang Gunships[]

The following are a list of notable Stormfang Gunships:

  • Icetooth
  • Morkai's Arrow - Morkai's Arrow fought as part of the Skyfangs during the battle for Voldariah II, piloted by Iron Priest Syngvir the Swift.
  • Stormgaze - Stormgaze is a transport of Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.
  • Iron Spear - The Iron Spear is the pinnacle of the Iron Priests' art. This deadly vehicle fits perfectly amongst Egil Iron Wolf's Great Company. Capable of destroying any foe, the Iron Spear will hunt out the greatest war machines of the enemy.

Adeptus Mechanicus Technical Specifications[]

Stormfang Gunship
Type Assault Gunship Operational Ceiling N/A (Orbital)
Vehicle Name Stormfang Max Speed Unknown
World of Origin Fenris Range Unknown
Known Patterns Unknown Main Armament 1 central-mounted Helfrost Destructor
Crew 1 Pilot Secondary Armament 2 sponson-mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters, 2 dorsal-mounted Stormstrike Missiles
Powerplant 4 of an Unknown Engine Type Main Ammunition Unknown
Weight Unknown Secondary Ammunition Unknown / Unknown
Length Unknown Armour
Wingspan Unknown Superstructure Unknown
Height Unknown Hull Unknown
Access Points 1 Rear Ramp Transport Capacity Space Marines or 3 Terminator Marines

Also See[]



Space Marine Forces
Chapter Command Chapter MasterMaster of the KeepMaster of SanctityChief LibrarianMaster of the ApothecarionMaster of the ForgeMaster of the WatchMaster of the FleetMaster of the ArsenalMaster of the MarchesMaster of the RitesMaster of RelicsChief VictuallerLord ExecutionerMaster of RecruitsMaster of ReconnaissanceMaster of the SignalChapter AncientPrimaris AncientChapter ChampionHonour Guard
Company Command Command SquadReclusiam Command SquadCaptainPrimaris CaptainLieutenantPrimaris LieutenantCompany AncientCompany Champion
Specialists Librarian (EpistolaryCodicierLexicaniumPrimaris LibrarianVanguard Librarian) • Chaplain (ReclusiarchPrimaris ChaplainJudiciar) • Apothecary (Primaris ApothecaryApothecary BiologisHelix Adept) • Techmarine
Veteran Squads Veteran Marines (Sternguard VeteranVanguard VeteranVeteran IntercessorVeteran Assault IntercessorBladeguard Veteran) • Terminator SquadTerminator Assault Squad
Battleline Squads Tactical SquadIntercessor Squad (Heavy Intercessor Squad) • Infiltrator Squad
Close Support Squads Assault SquadAssault Intercessor SquadJump Pack Intercessor SquadInceptor SquadReiver SquadIncursor SquadSuppressor SquadBike SquadOutrider SquadCenturion Assault Squad
Fire Support Squads Aggressor SquadDesolation SquadDevastator SquadHellblaster SquadEradicator SquadEliminator SquadInfernus SquadCenturion Devastator Squad
Neophyte Squads Scout SquadScout Bike Squad
Light Vehicles Assault BikeAttack BikeScout BikeRaider Pattern Combat BikeInvader ATVLand Speeder (Land Speeder StormLand Speeder TempestLand Speeder TornadoLand Speeder TyphoonLand Speeder VengeanceLand Speeder ProteusDarkshroud) • Storm Speeder (Storm Speeder HailstrikeStorm Speeder HammerstrikeStorm Speeder Thunderstrike)
Combat Walkers Dreadnought (Castraferrum DreadnoughtSiege DreadnoughtHellfire DreadnoughtIronclad DreadnoughtVenerable DreadnoughtMortis DreadnoughtChaplain DreadnoughtLibrarian DreadnoughtFurioso DreadnoughtDeath Company DreadnoughtRedemptor Dreadnought (Brutalis DreadnoughtBallistus Dreadnought) • Wulfen DreadnoughtDoomglaive Dreadnought) • Nemesis DreadknightInvictor Tactical Warsuit
Armoured Personnel Carriers RhinoRazorbackDamocles Command RhinoRhino PrimarisRhino AdvancerImpulsor
Main Battle Tanks Predator Destructor (Predator AnnihilatorBaal Predator) • Land Raider (Land Raider PhobosLand Raider CrusaderLand Raider RedeemerLand Raider AchillesLand Raider PrometheusLand Raider Terminus UltraLand Raider AresLand Raider ExcelsiorLand Raider Wrath of MjalnarLand Raider Angel InfernusLand Raider Solemnus AggressorLand Raider Anvilarum) • Deimos Vindicator Laser DestroyerRepulsorRepulsor ExecutionerGladiator (Gladiator ReaperGladiator ValiantGladiator Lancer) • Astraeus
Artillery WhirlwindVindicatorStalkerHunterWhirlwind HyperiosLand Raider HeliosThunderfire CannonFirestrike Servo-turret
Aircraft/Air-Deployed StormtalonThunderhawkThunderhawk TransporterShadowhawkStormravenStorm EagleFire RaptorStormhawk InterceptorCaestus Assault RamDark TalonNephilim JetfighterStormfangStormwolfCorvus BlackstarOverlordDrop PodHammerfall Bunker
Rare, Relic or Retired Vehicles Contemptor Pattern DreadnoughtDeredeo Pattern DreadnoughtCerberus Heavy Tank DestroyerLeviathan DreadnoughtJavelin Attack SpeederJetbikeDeimos PredatorDeimos RhinoSabre Tank HunterLand Raider ProteusKratos Heavy Assault TankMark IIb Land Raider PhobosMalcador Assault Tank (Malcador Annihilator) • Sicaran Battle TankSicaran VenatorSicaran Punisher Assault TankSicaran Arcus Strike TankSicaran Omega Tank DestroyerSpartan Assault TankTyphon Heavy Siege TankFellbladeFalchionMastodonDeimos Whirlwind ScorpiusXiphon Pattern InterceptorStormbirdKharybdis Assault Claw