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Imperial Navy Starhawk Bomber

The Starhawk, also known as the Calixis Pattern Starhawk Bomber, is a non-atmospheric Imperial Navy bomber. Starhawk bombers are larger, slower voidcraft than the Marauder bomber which is capable of operating in both vacuum and an atmosphere and was the previous primary bomber in use by Imperial forces.

A Starhawk is designed to carry a heavy payload of Plasma Bombs and armour-piercing missiles for use solely against enemy capital ships rather than planetary targets.

The Calixis Pattern has forward racks for up to 10 large anti-ship missiles with powerful Krak warheads, and mid-bays containing multiple bomb-firing cylinders.

Starhawks launch volleys of missiles at precise targets on an enemy warship, then close and make "bombing runs" on the hull, pumping out flurries of plasma warheads.

Crews of ten to fifteen man these weapons as well as less-potent armaments designed for defence against starfghters and incoming missiles. Like the Fury Interceptor that often accompanies it, the Starhawk has cramped living quarters that allow these spacecraft to be used for extended assignments. A standard Starhawk features limited sleeping quarters, chemical toilets and even an automated medical unit inside its hull.

Armed with a multitude of short-range, turret-mounted defence weapons like Lascannons that are used to fend off enemy starfighters, a lone Starhawk can wreak great havoc among enemy fighter squadrons before swooping in to deliver a crippling missile strike on an enemy capital ship.

On rare occasions, Starhawks can be modified to carry and launch a very small number of anti-voidship torpedoes. Starhawk bombers are typically organised into squadrons of ten craft.


The Starhawk is the more effective replacement for the Marauder bomber following that model's reassignment by the Imperial Navy to serve solely as an atmospheric bomber with the Aeronautica Imperialis.

It features an increase in armour, speed and maximum payload over the Marauder.

The Starhawk appears in the standard complement of most Imperial capital ships designed to deploy Imperial Navy aircraft wings, although some of the less well-equipped sub-sector fleets continue to use the Marauder as their primary bomber for space-based operations.


  • Type: Void Bomber
  • Length: Unknown
  • Cruising Speed: 1,800 kilometres per hour
  • Crew: Pilot, Co-pilot, 5 Gunners, Bombardier, Tech-priest Enginseer, Acolytes

Adeptus Mechanicus Technical Specifications

Starhawk Bomber
Type: Non-atmospheric bomber Operational Ceiling N/A
Vehicle Name: Starhawk Bomber Cruising Speed: 1,800 kilometres per hour
Forge World of Origin: Unknown Range: N/A
Known Patterns: Calixis Pattern Main Armament: 1 forward gunner-operated Twin-linked Lascannons, 2 gunner-operated Twin-linked Long-barrelled Multi-Laser turrets, 2 wing-mounted remote gunner-operated Twin-linked Heavy Bolter turrets
Crew: 10-15 crew; including Pilot, Co-pilot, 5 Gunners, Bombardiers, Tech-priest, and Enginseer Secondary Armament: Anti-ship Missiles, Plasma Bombs
Powerplant: Unknown Main Ammunition: None
Weight: Unknown Secondary Ammunition: Forward rack of 10 anti-voidship missiles, rear bays with 40 Plasma Bombs
Length: Unknown Armour: Unknown
Wingspan: Unknown Superstructure: Unknown
Height: Unknown Hull: Unknown


  • Battlefleet Gothic (Rulebook)
  • Execution Hour (Novel) by Gordon Rennie, pg. 49
  • Rogue Trader: Battlefleet Koronus (RPG), pp. 140-141