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Warhammer 40k Wiki

A Striking Scorpion Exarch wielding a Scorpion's Claw on his left arm

The Scorpion's Claw is one of the ritual weapons used by the Exarchs of the Striking Scorpion Warrior Aspect. Artfully crafted to visually resemble the mighty pincer of a real scorpion, this weapon is in essence the Eldar version of a Power Fist, giving the bearer vastly increased strength and armour penetration at the price of speed. The Scorpion's Claw incorporates a Shuriken Catapult into the weapon's vambrace for ranged engagements, granting the Exarch a moderate amount of firepower while allowing him to wield another close quarter weapon in his other hand, and thus not hamper his close quarters prowess.


  • Codex: Eldar (4th Edition), pp. 33, 56
  • Codex: Eldar (2nd Edition) pp. 55, 84