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The Red Seraphs are a Codex Astartes-compliant Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of unknown Founding and origin. Almost nothing is known about this Chapter in current Imperial records.


Notable Campaigns

  • Dark Marches Crusade (610.M36) - In the wake of the Age of Apostasy, the Segmentum Tempestus sees a resurgence in power and renaissance of expansion, known to Imperial historians as the "Rising Storm." With the blessing of Terra, Segmentum Tempestus authorities launch a number of crusades and campaigns to destroy lingering threats within their domain, and push back and fortify the borders of the Imperium. The most successful of these is the Dark Marches Crusade, commanded by Lord Tempestus Hal Orpheus, lineal descendants of the Rogue Trader house that had first explored the Orpheus Region's sinister reaches millennia previously. The Red Seraphs send three companies of Astartes to take part in the massive Imperial Crusade.
  • Magdellan Prime Civil War (143-151.M41) - When the followers of the Cult of Balthalmus plunged the world of Magdellan Prime into anarchy and bloodshed, the Battle-Sisters of the Order of the Ebon Chalice bear the brunt of the fighting. The Order's Preceptory Reclusium is repeatedly targeted by the maddened hordes, but holds out against seemingly impossible odds until relief eventually arrives. By the time a relief force consisting of Space Marines of the Red Seraphs, Fire Angels and Sons of the Kraken Chapters arrives, the Battle-Sisters have begun a determined counter-attack and victory is ultimately won.

Chapter Appearance

Chapter Colours

The Red Seraphs' Chapter colours are not listed in current Imperial records.

Chapter Badge

The Red Seraphs' Chapter badge is not listed in current Imperial records.


  • Imperial Armour Volume Two (Second Edition) - War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes, pg. 20