A sigil commonly used to represent the Kin of the Leagues of Votann as a whole.
The Quicksilver-class Scout Ship is a relatively small voidship (by the standards of the Kin) employed by the Leagues of Votann's fleets for exploration, reconnaissance and forward observation missions. It was used by the Kin's Hernkyn explorers and prospectors and was designed to carry units of their elite infantry called Hernkyn Yaegirs.
A Quicksilver-class Scout Ship carried smaller, shuttle-like spacecraft called "extrication vessels" that were often used as gunships and transports by the Hernkyn Yaegir.
Notable Vessels[]
- Vektrônn's Eye - The Vektrônn's Eye is a Quicksilver-class voidcraft employed by the Farsail of Thryk Kindred of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance. It was downed on the contested Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World of Bheta-Decima during an attempt to locate a Legacy Vault and crashed into the fortified hold known as the Deeprealm that was the home of the Genestealer Cult called the Cult of the Chittering Verse. A team of Hernkyn Yaegir known as Need's Gaârd was sent from the downed Vektrônn's Eye to locate and recover the Legacy Vault but its Extrication Craft Thargr 7 was shot down by elements of the cult's corrupted Traitoris Militarum regiment known as the Cadian Neo-917th. The Yaegir soon found themselves surrounded and in a desperate fight against a unit of the Cadian Neo-917th known as the "Wardens of the Verse" that was comprised of the cult's Brood Brothers and Genestealer hybrids.
- Kill Team: Termination (Specialist Game), pp. 4-9