A Pox Rider, also known as a Pox Leaper, is the name given to a Plaguebearer that has taken a Plague Toad as a mount so that they can serve as a Daemonic cavalry unit among the Plague Legions of Nurgle in the Realm of Chaos.
Daemon Pox Riders often form the vanguard of the Plague Lord's Daemonic armies. Consisting of repulsive Plaguebearers mounted on ravenous and wide-mawed Plague Toads, they crash into the ranks of the foe like bloated, decayed cannonballs.
- Bloated Flesh - Most melee weapons simply slide harmlessly through the bloated, abscess-riddled flesh of a Daemon Plague Toad with little effect, the foul bulk of the thing swallowing up blades and bullets alike.
- Rot-eaters - A Daemon Plague Toad's jag-toothed maw yawns impossibly wide as the abomination prepares to devour its victim.
- Cloud of Flies - Thanks to their odious nature, Pox Riders attract great clouds of flies that buzz about them, obscuring them from view.
- Locus of Fecundity - Pox Riders are a mainstay of many a legion of Nurgle, their already formidable capacity to take punishment amplified by proximity to Nurgle's chosen leaders.
- Plaguesword - The Plaguebearer riding atop the Daemon Plague Toad is armed with the pestilence-infused blade often wielded by their kind.
- Forge World Website - Pox Riders of Nurgle (Defunct Link)