A Greater Thurian League Hearthkyn outfitted with a Kin-portable, backpack-mounted pan spectral scanner.
A pan spectral scanner, also called a pan spectral array, is a powerful information-gathering and diagnostic tool available to the Kin of the Leagues of Votann. Pan spectral scanners exist in several different sizes, including Kin-portable or vehicle or installation-mounted. The larger systems possess more range, power and diagnostic capability.
The Kin's pan spectral scanners are useful both in prospecting for strategic resources and combat. They can detect an incredible range of energy spectra not only through solid matter, but even across multidimensional wavelengths, such as Warp energy signatures, ensuring the Hernkyn are rarely surprised during their explorations by even the most cunning or esoterically empowered foes.
These scanners are equally unlikely to miss the presence of natural resources the Kin would prize. When such rich discoveries are made, Hernkyn mark the location using powerful claim-beacons, whose multispectral energy signatures are bounced back along networks of relay satellites all the way to League space. It is at such times that the Cthonian Mining Guilds rumble into action to begin exploiting the new resource deposits.
- Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pp. 16, 19