An Outrider, who is usually part of a close support Outrider Squad, is a Primaris Space Marine who rides to battle on a Raider Pattern Combat Bike.
Outrider Squads advance ahead of the main Space Marine lines, guard the flanks of larger formations and hunt down enemy infiltrators to the Adeptus Astartes' battlelines.
When battle is joined, they conduct lightning fast hit-and-run attacks on defended positions and run down those who would try to escape the vengeance of the Chapter.
The Raider Combat Bike, designed like most of the vehicles and wargear used by the Primaris Marines by Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl, shares a lot of similarities with the standard Space Marine Assault Bike, including a twin-linked bolter weapon load-out and double exhausts. However, the engine block is even more heavily armoured, and the front suspension has undergone quite an evolution.
While speed, weapons and armour are certainly important for a combat bike, they are nothing when compared with performance. The Raider Pattern Combat Bike is also excellent on the battlefield as long as its rider can dominate its bellicose Machine Spirit. With battle-brother and bike in harmony, victory is all but assured.
Unit Composition[]
- 2 Outriders
- 1 Outrider Sergeant
- Twin-linked Bolt Rifles (mounted on Raider Combat Bike)
- Codex: Space Marines (9th Edition), pg. 165
- Warhammer Community - Indomitus Focus: Get On Your Bike