The Nemesys Sector is a sector of the Imperium located in the Segmentum Tempestus. It borders large regions of surrounding Wilderness Space that is home to all manner of pirates and Renegades. The Navis Imperialis' Battlefleet Nemesys constantly patrols and monitors its edges for danger.
The infamous space hulk designated Gallowdark recently emerged from the Warp in the Nemesys Sector, where it was boarded by numerous parties seeking its treasures before it crashed onto the Forge World of Bheta-Decima.
When the Gallowdark emerged from the Warp in Bheta-Decima's star system, the greedy magi of the Forge World used a massive, capital-ship-sized Graviton Cannon to pull the passing space hulk into the orbit of Bheta-Decima so that they could plunder it at their leisure of any archeotech riches it might hold.
However, once the massive vessel was held in the grip of the Graviton Cannon the tidal forces unexpectedly proved too much for the composite vessel and the Gallowdark broke apart, raining debris and massive sections of the giant voidcraft across the surface of Bheta-Decimus and damaging most of its settlements, killing millions in the process.
- Kill Team: Into the Dark (Specialist Game), pp. 8-9, 11-12