Warhammer 40k Wiki
Warhammer 40k Wiki

The Nachmund Sector is a war-torn sector of Imperial space located within the Segmentum Obscurus. It is home to one terminus of the Nachmund Gauntlet, one of the only known corridors through the Great Rift between the Imperium Sanctus and the Imperium Nihilus.

Notable Systems[]

  • Nachmund System - The Nachmund System is an Imperial star system located near the Eye of Terror in the Nachmund Sector of the Segmentum Obscurus. It contains the Nachmund Gauntlet, one of the only known safe passages through the Great Rift to the Imperium Nihilus.
  • Vigilus System - The Vigilus System is a star system centred on the star Astravigilia that lies in the Nachmund Sub-sector of the Nachmund Sector in the Segmentum Obscurus. It lies on the Imperium Nihilus side of the Nachmund Gauntlet, the only confirmed navigable passage through the Great Rift. Because of its strategic position, the system has come under assault from multiple factions, and its major inhabited planet, the Imperial Sentinel World of Vigilus, became the primary war zone of the great conflict waged during the early Era Indomitus remembered as the War of Beasts. The Great Rift lies directly on the edge of the Vigilus System to coreward, and the highly eccentric orbit of its outer asteroid girdle actually passed through the great Warp rift for some time after its formation.

Notable Worlds[]

