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Watch Commander and Master of the Vigil Mordigael of the Blood Angels, addressing his warriors.

Mordigael is a Blood Angel seconded to the Deathwatch. He has attained the ranks of watch commander and master of the vigil for Watch Fortress Erioch in the Jericho Reach.

He is a quick and decisive commander of warriors with a natural charisma bound to a terrifying skill in battle. Indeed, he is seen as a paragon of the qualities and traditions of his Chapter.

The watch commander's features are sharp and handsome, as if cut from the pale stone statue of an Imperial saint, while his eyes burn with almost feverish intensity.

He delights in the perfection of all his undertakings, from practice in the martial disciplines to the contemplation on the future implications of all things of note that bears on his sacred duty.


For over five standard centuries, Mordigael has served his Emperor and his Chapter; on three occasions, he has taken up the duty of serving in the Deathwatch. One of these past terms of service was in the Jericho Reach itself.

Mordigael's current watch has lasted over five solar decades, and has seen him achieve the honour of being named Master of the Vigil near the end of the 41st Millennium.

During this time, Mordigael has seen things change within the Jericho Reach; the implications of the opening of the Jericho-Maw Warp Gate have affected everything. The launching of the Achilus Crusade concerns him greatly, as he sees the possibility of a greater disaster being created from a war prosecuted through ignorance and arrogance.

He sees the encroaching threat of the Tyranids in much the same light, quite apart from the terrible danger they hold by themselves.

On more than one occasion, the Master of the Vigil has had to remind Lord Militant Solomon Tetrarchus that the Deathwatch is not beholden to the needs of the crusade.


  • Deathwatch: Core Rulebook (RPG), pp. 335-336