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Hive Tertium on the Hive World of Atoma Prime, the capital of the Moebian Domain, as seen from orbit.

The Moebian Domain is a semi-autonomous region of Imperial space located in the Segmentum Solar that is comprised of several strategically important worlds. The domain is ruled by Constant Margrave of the Highborn House Margrave which is based on the domain's capital Hive World of Atoma Prime. Margrave serves as the region's sector lord with the title of the "Lord Moebian."

Forge World Obscurus once supplied much of the Moebian Domain with technology and armaments, though those days are long past.

The Moebian Domain is awash with old Cadian Shock Troops wargear. History does not record why.

Despite attempts by the authorities to crack down on them, honour duels remain a popular -- if deadly -- method of settling disputes throughout the cultures that comprise the Moebian Domain.

The galactic north of the Moebian Domain is dotted with Feral Worlds -- the sites of constant battles to hold back the Darktide and as such these conflicts are considered a part of the Fringe Wars.

The Moebian Domain is the setting for the video game Warhammer 40,000: Darktide.



The Moebian Domain is highly loyal to the Emperor and the domain itself is considered a significant tract of Imperial space. The Moebian Domain is a fiefdom comprised of several important worlds in the Segmentum Solar, loyal to Terra and ruled over by the Lord Margrave of the domain's capital Hive World of Atoma Prime, who serves essentially as its sector lord with the title of the "Lord Moebian."

The domain can be considered a province or a self-governing state of the Imperium. It pays its tithes and taxes to Terra, it obeys Imperial Law, and its worlds manufacture vast quantities of strategically important goods for the Imperium. It is thus highly important to the Imperium and must be defended from assault by the Emperor's foes, whether they be within or without.

The world that would be known as Atoma was first colonised by Humans at some point in the Dark Age of Technology, when Mankind had achieved its technological golden age. What would later be known as the Moebian Domain was likely colonised during the "Stellar Exodus" from Old Earth in ca. M15, as the region was relatively close to the Human homeworld.

In the the subsequent Age of Strife after the collapse of the first Human interstellar civilisation, Atoma managed to survive by becoming economically self-sufficient largely due to its advanced industry, ultimately weathering the isolation of Old Night relatively well when compared with what befell so many other Human colonies.

During the Great Crusade of the late 30th Millennium, the expeditionary fleets of the Emperor of Mankind rediscovered Atoma Prime and immediately saw its strategic value to the newborn Imperium. No harsh re-education and violent subjugation was needed to incorporate Atoma into the fledgling Imperium and impose Imperial Compliance. The rulers of Atoma were quite willing to join their fates to this powerful new interstellar Human empire. The highly productive manufactoria of Atoma were immediately set to produce materiel needed to support the Great Crusade's fleet supply lines.

Soon after, Atoma was designated the capital world of its star system, thus becoming becoming "Atoma Prime," after the forces of the Great Crusade had brought its neighbouring planet, the future Shrine World of Crucis, to Compliance. The rulers of Crucis ceded their own authority to Atoma Prime, whose planetary governor was recognised by the Administratum as the overall governor of every world in the system. The fleets of the Great Crusade would ultimately bring all the worlds of the Moebian Domain into the Imperium liberating many of the worlds they discovered from Human tyrants, while xenos species were either completely exterminated or defeated to the point of military insignificance.

The Darktide[]

Unfortunately, the Moebius Domain borders several disputed territories of Wilderness Space called the "Fringe" that contain multiple xenos and Chaos threats. The Adeptus Administratum ensures that for the average citizens of the domain the nature of that threat remains a mystery. It is just called the "Darktide," a shadowy threat that must be kept at bay if the people of the domain are to remain in the God-Emperor's light.

It is to protect the domain from the Darktide that the Moebian Regiments of the Astra Militarum are raised, mostly from the teeming populace of Atoma Prime but also from several of the other worlds of the region. The Moebian Regiments have for centuries been fighting an on-going conflict known as the Fringe War against the Darktide.

The young people recruited to these regiments have no idea where they are being sent, or what they will face. They are as ignorant of the "Darktide" as any other regular citizen, for they were all once citizens themselves. They quickly learn otherwise.

The galaxy is not a friendly or safe place. There are brutal horrors out there -- xenos species, alien predators, and worse -- who want nothing more than to extinguish the fluttering flame of Human civilisation. Out on the Death Worlds of the Fringe, the guardsmen of the Moebian Regiments, called "lasmen," are thrown into the meatgrinder and come face to face with unimaginable danger. In time, their world-view changes. They learn the nature of the Darktide and fight it tooth and nail.

Sometimes, they learn too much.

Long tours result in trauma, both physical and psychological. Some lasmen are broken by the experience. Some are made bitter and resentful that the gruelling combat they experience is generally unrecognised back home, because the Administratum tends to keep all details of the ongoing conflict quiet so as not to generate public alarm. There might be a few news broadcasts about "great victories," but the rest of the turmoil is screened by propaganda.

Some troopers, of course, serve brilliantly and bravely, and remain loyal despite everything they experience. But others fall prey to the insidious touch of the Darktide. They encounter the malevolent effect of the Warp, and it changes them. They become -- literally, in some cases -- the very thing they are fighting against.

The Moebian 6th were seduced by the creed of the Darktide and the lies of the Chaos God Nurgle, and they now seek not simply to kill and exact vengeance for what they endured in the battles of the Fringe War, but to share the dark "truth" they have uncovered. They truly believe they have seen the light offered by Chaos, and that the dark ways they have discovered are far better and more liberating for Humanity than the stagnant rubrics of the Imperium. They now seek to share that truth with every living soul on Atoma Prime and they will slay without remorse any who seek to stop them.

In the Era Indomitus, the Chaos Cult called the Admonition infested the hive city of Hive Tertium on Atoma Prime. When they unleashed a Zombie Plague and a swarm of Poxwalkers began to assault the lower reaches of Hive Tertium, the Moebian 6th Regiment was redirected from frontline deployment to assist in combating the Nurglish corruption. Instead, the corrupted regiment turned on the people it had sworn to protect and began to support the uprising.

To stop this growing corruption, the Inquisition recently deployed its forces and agents into Hive Tertium in a race against time to save the hive city before it can grow into a cancer that could consume the entire world, or even eventually threaten the entire Moebius Domain.

Core Worlds[]

The following Imperial worlds are those which are most strategically important to the Moebian Domain's economy and political leadership.

  • Branx Magna (Industrial World) - Branx Magna is a thriving Moebian Industrial World and the most densely populated planet in the Moebian Domain. Its teeming billions man its continent-spanning manufactoria night and day. Branx Magna was originally considered only a vassal world of the Moebian Domain until the 38th Millennium when the sector governor granted it full membership status. Its ruling planetary governors are drawn from the nobles of House van Sparzi.
  • Rocyria (Agri-world) - Rocyria is a small Agri-world that produces intensively farmed and mass-harvested grain crops. Rocyrians are the butt of many jokes in the domain, and are considered "backwards" by other Moebians, yet they are hard-working and honest to a fault. This world was reclaimed as part of the Moebian Domain some time around the 33rd Millennium.
  • Mornax (Mining World) - Mornax is a small, grim Mining World known for its hellish conditions, which produces a famously hardy and dour populace. Mornax was claimed as a vassal world of the Moebian Dominion in the 36th Millennium and was granted the status of a full member world in the 38th Millennium.
  • Incron (Ocean World/Hive World) - As they live upon an oceanic world, the people of Incron inhabit vast hive cities that have been established on the watery world's few islands or are artificial constructions that float with the world-ocean's mighty currents. Many of these floating hive cities dot the planet's vast oceans. Incron is the Moebian Domain's main naval depot for the Navis Imperialis' local sector battlefleet. Incron was reclaimed by Imperial forces in the 39th Millennium and annexed by the Moebian Domain. The Moebian sector battlefleet was moved here from its original anchorage above Atoma Prime for unspecified reasons at that time. The Moebian 21st Regiment of the Astra Militarum were also stationed here for an unknown but extensive period of time.
  • Pavane (Frontier World) - Pavane is a world only colonised relatively recently by settlers from the Imperium. Yet Pavane is already a self-sustaining Human world rich in natural resources, whose population is rapidly expanding. The world was charted and claimed as part of the domain in the early 41st Millennium.

Notable Fringe Worlds[]

  • Infidus Brim - The world of Infidus Brim is a planet on the Fringe of the Moebian Domain that was first conquered by the Imperium during the Great Crusade and then was likely lost during a xenos incursion from the Fringe in the 35th Millennium. It was subsequently reclaimed once more for the Imperium as a vassal world of the Moebian Domain in the late 35th Millennium. Wars have been fought for control of the planet by Imperial forces at least 13 times in recent years.
  • Karnas - Karnas was a world conquered by the Imperium during the Great Crusade and made a vassal world of the Moebian Domain.
  • Komaris - Komaris was conquered by the Imperium during the Great Crusade. It served as an Imperial bastion for the Moebian Domain's fringe region, until the world recently fell to the Darktide in the 41st Millennium. During that time a fierce defence of the system was fought by Imperial forces for control of the Komaris Belt fortifications.
  • Messelina Gloriana (Forest World/Shrine World) - Messelina Gloriana is a heavily-forested moon that serves as a minor Shrine World dedicated to Saint Messelina, the patron saint of the Moebian Domain. Messelina Gloriana has few resources and only a small population of Human settlers, but is strategically important for the Moebian Domain as the next line of defence from the Darktide since the fall of nearby Komaris. Messelina Gloriana's star system is located somewhere between the Fringe and the core worlds of the Moebian Domain.
  • Phade (Death World) - Phade is a war-torn Death World located in the Moebian Fringe region that is home to a deadly toxvenom plant which has been processed for use as a toxin on Moebian-produced melee weapons.
  • Nox Secundus - Nox Secundus was a world scoured by multiple battlegroups of the Moebian Regiments during the Nox Wars, a campaign of the larger Fringe War against Heretics present on the world. Enormous ferro-tigers stalk the planet's inhospitable plains.
  • Syndian Reach - The Syndian Reach is a backwater collection of Imperial outposts and way stations in the Moebian Domain. Torveth, the so-called "Butcher of the Syndian Reach," made a name for himself in the fighting pits and arenas here.
  • Montar System - Montar is a star system whose worlds are defined their highly diverse environments. The Montar System has been a longtime warzone for the Astra Militarum regiments of the Moebian Domain in the Fringe War, subjected to frequent invasions from Ork WAAAGH!s and conclaves of Chaos Renegades.

Notable Locations[]

  • Gathadra (Desert World) - Gathadra is a Desert World where the Moebian 81st Regiment fought Greenskins. Unfortunately, the Moebian 81st's task was made infinitely harder as they had been equipped for a campaign on a frigid Ice World rather than a blazingly hot Desert World.
  • Haxorn - The world of Haxorn is famed for its harsh winters, which blanket its irradiated plains, turned red by centuries of industry. Haxorn has been defended many times in its long history by the Moebian Regiments from the Darktide, most recently by the Moebian 13th Regiment, who successfully repelled an Ork invasion during a vicious solar month of fighting.
  • Montar System - The Montar System has long been a war zone, facing invasions from ambitious Ork warbosses to conclaves of Chaos Renegades; is a system whose worlds are defined by their diverse environments.

Moebian Proverbs[]

"An Ork's chance on Armageddon."

—Moebian proverb, referring to someone whose fortunes have turned sour.

"Earn the loyalty of an Ogryn, and long life shall be yours."

—Moebian proverb

See Also[]


  • Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Video Game), Character creation screens including character homeworld descriptions; Items: Obscurus Mk Ie Psykana Coven Collar, Munitorum Psyker Battledress (Bone Sands), Montar Camo, Force Sword (Montar Camo), Phade Toxvenom (Weapon Skin), Peesah Hood (Ice Mourn), Combat Sword (Adamantine Inferno), Combat Axe (Redscar Thaw), Armageddon Mk IIIe Pot Helm, Bodyguard Cap (Karst-Skin Camo, XXXXL, Noxian Ferro-Tiger pattern)
  • Darktide Dev Blog: Moebian Sixth