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Warhammer 40k Wiki

Variant Deathwatch badge worn in the Era Indomitus.

The Maul of the Gatekeeper is a master-crafted Astartes Thunder Hammer currently in the custody of Deathwatch Watch Captain Esteban de Dominova of the Crimson Fists Chapter.

This sacred relic weapon carried by the watch captain is an artefact held in great reverence by the Deathwatch and the Storm Wardens Chapter of the Calixis Sector. An ornate mattock, without a single blemish, the Maul of the Gatekeeper is said to be the bane of all xenos and to date back to the founding of the Storm Wardens Chapter. Due to the pall of mystery surrounding that Chapter and the mysterious Nemesis Incident, no more information than this is known, though numerous legends are told of the weapon's capabilities.

In truth, the Maul of the Gatekeeper has shown especial efficacy against the Warp entities known as Enslavers, for any of their Human mind-slaves struck by the Maul is instantly slain as the link to its xenos puppet-master is severed.

During his mission to the Mortis Thule in the 41st Millennium, Watch-Captain de Dominova left the Maul of the Gatekeeper in the care of the Chapter serf attendants in the Chapel Sanctus of the Deathwatch warship called the Argent Crusader.

Shortly after boarding the frigate, de Dominova requested the presence of Deathwatch battle-brothers during a solemn ceremony in which he placed the Maul into the care of the chapel's attendants.


  • Deathwatch: Ark of Lost Souls (RPG), pg. 20