Masuchi Parr is an Imperial Cemetery World that has been infested by the Genestealer Cult known as the Blessed Wormlings. Despite an investigation carried out by the Ordo Xenos' Deathwatch, the cult has successfully managed to hide the true extent of the threat it represents to the Imperium.
In the late 41st Millennium, a seven-man Deathwatch Kill-team was deployed to Masuchi Parr to investigate reports of the existence of the cult. When they discovered that the threat was greater than first feared, the Kill-team fought heroically to reach the planet's spaceport and escape to bring word of the menace to the wider Imperium.
Yet their numbers proved too few and, though the Astartes heaped the corridors with xenophile corpses, the Deathwatch Marines were eventually overrun. Theirs was but one story of tragic loss for the servants of the Emperor during this time, when the Deathwatch found themselves stretched to their limits and beyond by the growing xenos threats to the Imperium.
- Codex Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch (8th Edition), pg. 25, "Contact Lost"
- Codex: Genestealers (8th Edition), pg. 33
- Codex: Genestealers (7th Edition), pg. 51