Warhammer 40k Wiki
Warhammer 40k Wiki

"Take the Lord Cap'n' seat. Order the final preparations. Wait for the officers to report....bah, blast it all to the void! Translation is a craft, not something to be explained in a tick!"

—Ravor explains to the new Rogue Trader of House von Valancius how to translate their flagship out of the Warp.

Master Helmsman Ravor of the House von Valancius flagship

Master Helmsman Ravor is the lead helmsman of the House von Valancius Rogue Trader flagship. His crucial duty is to pilot the ship through realspace, to follow the navigational commands of the ship's Navigator while in the Warp, and to oversee the sometimes difficult translations of the ship into and out of the Warp at a star system's Mandeville Point.

Like most of the crew and officers of the House von Valancius flagship, Ravor is a voidborn. He studied the family trade until he was fifteen standard years old, then his entire clan was butchered in a mutiny on board the flagship's lower decks. He managed to escape to the crawlways and started picking out the killers and eliminating them one by one.

He then fled to the middle decks and the ship's augur operators took him under their wing. He trained and ended up a junior helmsman until High Factotum Janris Danrok spotted him and lured him away.

Ravor explained when asked by the new Rogue Trader of the dynasty that Ravor doesn't like any of the other flagship officers or members of the Rogue Trader's entourage save for the new Lord Captain themselves and their predecessor Theodora von Valancius.

Like most von Valancius ship officers, Ravor has had some augmetic enhancements to allow him to better interface with the ship's systems in the course of carrying out his duties.

