The Legio Serpentes is a Traitor Titan Legion in the service of the Ruinous Powers.
Legion History[]
Notable Campaigns[]
- Fall of Uraniborg 1572 (Unknown Date.M41) - When the Forge World of Uraniborg 1572 was attacked by a large Dark Mechanicum host led by the Heretek Votheer Tark, the formerly Loyalist Legio Serpentes turned upon their Adeptus Mechanicus masters, and helped their Heretic allies take the Forge World with little resistance in only a matter of solar days. The fallen planet was re-dedicated to the Chaos Gods and now serves as a Hell-Forge of the Dark Mechanicum.
Notable Titans[]
None listed in current Imperial records.
Notable Personnel[]
None listed in current Imperial records.
Legion Appearance[]
Legion Colours[]
This Traitor Titan Legion's colours are not listed in current Imperial records.
Legion Badge[]
This Traitor Titan Legion's badge is not listed in current Imperial records.
- Priest of Mars (Novel) by Graham McNeill, "Microcontent 07," pg. 75