The Legio Morbus is a Traitor Titan Legion in the service of the Ruinous Powers.
The Legio Morbus was once a Loyalist Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica who spat on their oaths of fealty and instead pledged their undying loyalty to the Plague God Nurgle.
Legion History[]
Notable Campaigns[]
- War of Slime and Metal (Unknown Date.M42) - The Forge World of Metalica is besieged by the Plaguehosts of Nurgle, the 3rd and 7th Plague Companies of the Death Guard, other Chaos Space Marines, the corrupted Titans of the Legio Morbus, and no fewer than seven fallen Knight houses. Only the arrival of the entire House Raven staved off defeat, and only with the aid of a war fleet from Deimos was the attack finally broken and the daemons banished.
Notable Titans[]
None listed in current Imperial records.
Notable Personnel[]
None listed in current Imperial records.
Legion Appearance[]
Legion Colours[]
This Traitor Titan Legion's colours are not listed in current Imperial records.
Legion Badge[]
This Traitor Titan Legion's badge is not listed in current Imperial records.
- Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus (8th Edition), "The Quest of Knowledge: War of Slime and Metal," pg. 35