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A Loyalist Titan

The Legio Invigilata (Emperor's Guard) is a Loyalist Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica, one of the military arms of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The Emperor's Guard hail from the Forge World of Voss Prime, located in the Segmentum Solar. This is the Forge World closest to the Armageddon System. There is very little information in Imperial records about this Titan Legion's founding, though it is believed that they were founded before the Age of the Imperium, during the Age of Strife.

Legion History

Notable Campaigns

Notable Titans

Notable Personnel

  • Amasat - Princeps of the Bane-Sidhe and acting commander of Legio Invigilata after the death of Princeps Majoris Zarha Mancion.
  • Asavan Tortellius - Tortellius was a Tech-priest who served aboard the Imperator-class Titan Stormherald. During the Third War for Armageddon, Tortellius was one of the few remaining surviviors living in the massive Imperial cathedral dedicated to the Cult Mechanicus that had been built above the Stormherald 's shoulders and he maintained the Gun Servitors that defended the cathedral.
  • Feerna - Feerna was the Princeps of the Regal. Feerna was killed during the Battle of Helsreach when her Titan was utterly destroyed by the Ork Gargant Godbraker.
  • Haven Havelock - Havelock was the Princeps of the Ivory Fang. Havelock was killed during the Battle of Helsreach when his Titan was utterly destroyed by the Ork Gargant Godbraker.
  • Jacen Veragon - Veragon was the Princeps of the Draconian. Veragon was killed during the Battle of Helsreach in the Third War for Armageddon when a horded of Greenskins stormed his downed Titan.
  • Lonn - Moderati Secundus of the Imperator-class Titan Stormherald. Lonn miraculously survived the Stormherald 's destruction, but was killed seconds later by Orks as they swarmed the downed Titan to loot it.
  • Valian Carsomir - Moderati Primus of Stormherald and Princeps Majoris Zarha Mancion's representative to the Imperial command structure for the Legio Invigliata during the Third War for Armageddon. Carsomir was shot by Moderati Secundus Lonn after he effectively sealed the Stormherald 's fate by firing its weapons too early.
  • Zarha Mancion - Princeps Majoris of the Stormherald and overall commander of the Legio Invigilata. Like the Princeps of most Imperator-class Titans, Mancion was suspended in a cybernetic tank that connected her permanently to her Titan's Machine Spirit and could no longer survive having her mind disconnected from the Stormherald 's Mind Impulse Unit (MIU). Mancion was onboard her Titan when it was destroyed by the Ork Gargant Godbraker.

Legion Appearance

Legion Colours

The Legio Invigilata's colours are unknown in current Imperial records.

Legion Badge

The Legio Invigilata's badge is not listed in current Imperial records.

