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Warhammer 40k Wiki

The Legio Ferroxus is a Loyalist Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica, one of the military arms of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Legion History[]

Titans of the Legio Ferroxus served with the military forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus of Stygies VIII that deployed to defend the continent of Megaborealis and the Bore-Hive of Scelerus on the world of Vigilus during the War of Beasts in the Era Indomitus.

During that conflict, hybrids of the Writhing Wyrm gene-sect of the Pauper Princes Genestealer Cult managed to steal a Vortex Missile and detonate it near the Warlord-class Titan Dominus Rex of the Legio Ferroxus. The explosion of the Battle Titan was so great that a chain reaction was triggered that destroyed all of the other Legio Ferroxus Titans berthed alongside the Dominus Rex.

It is unknown if this explosion destroyed the entirety of the Legio's Titan complement or if it had Titans serving elsewhere in the galaxy.

Notable Titans[]

Legion Appearance[]

Legion Colours[]

The Legio Ferroxus' colours are unknown.

Legion Badge[]

The badge of the Legio Ferroxus is unknown.


  • Imperium Nihilus: Vigilus Defiant (8th Edition), pg. 21
  • Urban Conquest (8th Edition), pg. 18