A sigil commonly used to represent the Kin of the Leagues of Votann as a whole.
This page contains a list of all the infantry wargear, vehicle heavy weaponry, personal protective devices and field support equipment used by the Kinhosts, Oathbands and Prospects of the Leagues of Votann.
The wargear of the Kin is similar in many ways to that employed by the military forces of the Imperium, which share a technological heritage dating back to the STCs of Humanity's pre-Imperial past, but Kin technology is almost always more reliable, better-crafted and more potent than its Imperial counterparts.
Please see each item's individually-linked pages for more information and a more detailed sources list.
Melee Weapons[]

Kin Brôkhyr at work in their hold's Forge. One Brôkhyr is at work at his A.N-vyl workstation, while a robotic COG delivers a finished suit of void armour to where it is needed.
It is a fact of war for the Kin in the 41st Millennium that many foes -- not least the hated Greenskins -- cannot always be halted by ranged firepower alone. Such enemies must be battled blade to blade, and defeated quickly in the resulting melee.
Kin close combat weapons embody this ethos. They make substantial use of integrated plasma fields, either to wreathe sword and axe blades or to form the blades themselves. Such melee weapons scythe through physical shields and body armour with equal ease, and reduce the foe to cauterised chunks of charred meat and bone.
More brutal still are concussion weapons. Be they in the shape of warhammers, mauls or even just reinforced armoured gauntlets, they mount so-called "mass driver" technology that magnifies the force of their impact to a colossal degree, producing a wave of concussive force far greater than what would be created by the simple mass of the weapon itself.
Perhaps the most feared of Kin melee weapons are those that employ darkstar ore, mined from the fringes of the Dead Zones. This inimical material emits a universal damping field that shuts down organic metabolic and even electro-mechanical functions on contact. It is worked into Kin weaponry with the greatest of care and wielded with equal gravitas, for the slightest cut from a darkstar weapon's blade can end the victim's life as if a switch had been pulled.
Concussion Weapons[]
Darkstar Weapons[]
Graviton Weapons[]
Mass Driver Weapons[]
Melee Plasma Weapons[]
Ranged Weapons[]

A selection of Leagues of Votann ranged weaponry, including an Ion Blaster, Autoch Pattern Bolter, Bolt Revolver, Bolt Shotgun, Volkanite Disintegrator and an HYLas Auto Rifle
The firearms wielded by the Kin of the Leagues of Votann bear superficial similarities to many Imperial weapon technologies, which possess a similar origin in Humanity's Age of Technology, but are superior in almost every respect. From ballistic weapons such as the Autoch Pattern Bolter, to directed energy weapons like the HYLas Auto Rifle, the Kin employ superlative materials and methods in their construction.
Some weapon families, such as volkanite firearms, have remained unchanged in design for many Terran millennia. Others employ energy sources that Humanity never tamed, or that are proscribed as tech-heresy by the religious dogma of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

A further selection of Leagues of Votann ranged weaponry, including a Graviton Blast Cannon, SP Conversion Beamer, EtaCarn Plasma Gun and an EtaCarn Plasma Pistol.
It was the Kin who first introduced the T'au Empire to ion weaponry, though to this day they keep the finest of these weapons for themselves.
Trusted to affect battlefield repairs on their weapons and well-versed in their strengths and tolerances, the warriors of the Kinhosts are well-positioned to get the absolute best from the superb arsenal the Brôkhyr craft for them.
Autoch Pattern Bolters[]
Conversion Beamers[]
Bolt Weapons[]
Ion Weapons[]
EtaCarn Plasma Weapons[]
Graviton Weapons[]
Laser Weapons[]
Missile Weapons[]
Volkanite Weapons[]
Grenades and Explosives[]
Personal Protection[]
- Armour Crest ( Also called Shield Crest and Weavefield Crest)
Field Support Equipment[]
COG Robots[]
- Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pp. 16, 19, 32-33, 100-101
- Warhammer Community - Jump Packs, Kinlynks, and Concussive Knuckles Make Hearthkyn Salvagers the Ultimate Explorers