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Warhammer 40k Wiki

The Kindred of Vôrtun is a Kindred of the Greater Thurian League of the Leagues of Votann. Its Hold World is the planet of Obsyd Gate. This is the home Kindred of the famed Thurian kâhl Ûthar the Destined.

It was the Kindred of Vôrtun's Kinhost that provided the Oathbands led by Ûthar to rescue the Cthonian Mining Guild personnel on the world of Törg during the Battle of Örgvayr. This operation occurred only after Ûthar convinced the Kindred's Hearthspake that they must take offensive action against the forces of Chaos spilling out of Warp Storm Örgvayr rather than taking up purely defensive positions.


  • Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pp. 16-17, 28