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Kabalite Warriors battle

A Drukhari Kabalite Warrio in Kabalite Armour slaughtering Orks.

Kabalite Armour is the full suit of protective armour worn by the Kabalite Warriors of the Drukhari kabals. Due to the Drukhari's desire for speed and dexterity over enhanced defence from kinetic strikes and directed energy blasts, their standard armour is a thin, light-weight, flexible bodysuit, pressurised to allow Kabalite Warriors to traverse the vacuum of space.

Just like standard-issue Mesh Armour used by the Craftworld Aeldari, Kabalite Armour responds to the neural impulses from its wearer and hardens on command, allowing for the Kabalite Warriors to shrug off civilian-grade firepower, but requiring them to rely on their superior combat abilities and superhuman reflexes to survive the engagement against more challenging or heavily-armed targets.

Like Mesh Armour, Kabalite Armour is comprised of thousands of tiny pieces of a dense ceramic material known as thermoplas that hardens on impact to form effective, lightweight protection much like a suit of high-technology chain mail or fish scales. Kabalite Armour is usually part of a larger bodysuit that is secured in place with serrated barbs and hooks.

The thermoplas also disperses heat rapidly, giving reasonable protection against directed energy weapons. The material is also psychically-sensitive, automatically reacting to the wearer's movements and thoughts to maintain a glove-tight fit as they move and fight. Kabalite Armour also contains additional features, including an independent air supply and heat-sensing and auto-targeting lenses to aid the wearer in ranged combat.


  • Codex: Dark Eldar (3rd Edition) (2003 Edition),"Dark Eldar Wargear"
  • Codex: Dark Eldar (5th Edition), pg. 62
  • Codex: Dark Eldar (7th Edition) (Digital Edition), "Armour"
  • White Dwarf 372 (UK), pg. 52