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An Ultramarines Invictor Tactical Warsuit armed with a twin-linked Ironhail Autocannon and Heavy Bolter.

The Invictor Tactical Warsuit, also just called an Invictor, is a lightly armoured Imperial combat walker that often provides fire support for Vanguard Space Marines in the field.


An Ultramarines Invictor Tactical Warsuit armed with Incendium Cannon and Heavy Bolter.

The Invictor Tactical Warsuit is a stripped-back variant on the Redemptor Dreadnought frame. Instead of a revenant hero in a life-support sarcophagus, this combat walker is piloted by an uninjured Primaris Space Marine, the Invictor's integrated systems plugged into his Mark X Phobos Power Armour inloads, its Machine Spirit (artificial intelligence) joined in binharic choral harmony with his helmet's autosenses.

It has been designed with sound-dampening materials which are intended to allow the Invictor to move at great speed with minimal noise output, in support of the the pilot's Vanguard Marine brethren.

Invictor pilots are chosen from those Primaris warriors who display an aptitude for swift independent thought, and a protective stance towards their Battle-Brothers.

These qualities are essential, for while an Invictor pilot has no additional strategic authority, they are permitted a great deal of tactical autonomy to apply the might of their warsuit wherever it will serve their strike force best.

Afforded strength, resilience and firepower far in excess of even that gifted to a Space Marine, most Invictor pilots seek to support and defend their comrades against particularly large and deadly threats, to spearhead assaults against heavily defended positions or form a bulwark against enemy forces that would otherwise break through the Adeptus Astartes' lines.



An Ultramarines Invictor Tactical Warsuit lopes into battle with its twin Ironhail Autocannons chattering.

Invictor Tactical Warsuits are deployed in every capacity, from armoured escort duties to close-range siege-breaking and urban monster-hunts. Yet the most iconic role for these walkers is as armoured support for Vanguard Space Marines.

Their Plasma Reactors and servos are rigged to run with a minimum of sound, and their weapon loadout allows them to unleash punishing firepower from either a twin-linked Ironhail Autocannon or a compact Incendium Cannon whose pyrotechnic blasts reduce swathes of enemies to blazing corpses in a heartbeat.

While the enemy remains at range, each Invictor grips in its articulated servo-fist a modified Heavy Bolter that can be employed as essentially an oversized sidearm. As the foe draw close, the pilot mag-locks this weapon to his machine's hip, freeing his massive servo-fist to punch, crush and bludgeon even the largest opponents into red ruin.

This combination of mid-to-close-range firepower, armoured resilience and the selfless mindset of the warsuit's pilot combine to provide exceptional support for Vanguard forces; far from aid and often sorely outnumbered, the Vanguard warriors have good cause to welcome the hulking silhouette of the Invictor Tactical Warsuit fighting at their side.

Unit Composition[]

  • 1 Invictor Tactical Warsuit


  • Invictor Fist

Adeptus Mechanicus Technical Specifications[]

The technical specifications of the Impulsor are not yet available in Imperial records.


Primaris Space Marine Forces
Command Primaris Captain ā€¢ Primaris Lieutenant ā€¢ Vanguard Lieutenant ā€¢ Primaris Ancient
Specialists Primaris Apothecary (Helix Adept ā€¢ Apothecary Biologis) ā€¢ Primaris Librarian ā€¢ Vanguard Librarian ā€¢ Primaris Chaplain (Judiciar) ā€¢ Primaris Techmarine
Veterans Bladeguard Veteran ā€¢ Veteran ā€¢ Veteran Intercessor ā€¢ Veteran Assault Intercessor ā€¢ Sternguard Veteran ā€¢ Terminator (Assault Terminator)
Battleline Intercessor (Heavy Intercessor) ā€¢ Vanguard Infiltrator
Close Support Inceptor ā€¢ Reiver ā€¢ Incursor ā€¢ Assault Intercessor ā€¢ Jump Pack Intercessor ā€¢ Outrider
Fire Support Aggressor ā€¢ Desolation Squad ā€¢ Eradicator ā€¢ Hellblaster ā€¢ Vanguard Eliminator ā€¢ Vanguard Suppressor ā€¢ Infernus Squad ā€¢ Firestrike Servo-turret ā€¢ Hammerfall Bunker
Combat Walkers and Vehicles Astraeus ā€¢ Redemptor Dreadnought (Brutalis Dreadnought ā€¢ Ballistus Dreadnought) ā€¢ Repulsor ā€¢ Repulsor Executioner ā€¢ Impulsor ā€¢ Gladiator (Gladiator Reaper ā€¢ Gladiator Valiant ā€¢ Gladiator Lancer) ā€¢ Raider Pattern Combat Bike ā€¢ Invader ATV ā€¢ Invictor Tactical Warsuit ā€¢ Storm Speeder (Storm Speeder Hailstrike ā€¢ Storm Speeder Hammerstrike ā€¢ Storm Speeder Thunderstrike)
Aircraft Overlord ā€¢ Drop Pod
Space Marine Forces
Chapter Command Chapter Master ā€¢ Master of the Keep ā€¢ Master of Sanctity ā€¢ Chief Librarian ā€¢ Master of the Apothecarion ā€¢ Master of the Forge ā€¢ Master of the Watch ā€¢ Master of the Fleet ā€¢ Master of the Arsenal ā€¢ Master of the Marches ā€¢ Master of the Rites ā€¢ Master of Relics ā€¢ Chief Victualler ā€¢ Lord Executioner ā€¢ Master of Recruits ā€¢ Master of Reconnaissance ā€¢ Master of the Signal ā€¢ Chapter Ancient ā€¢ Primaris Ancient ā€¢ Chapter Champion ā€¢ Honour Guard
Company Command Command Squad ā€¢ Reclusiam Command Squad ā€¢ Captain ā€¢ Primaris Captain ā€¢ Lieutenant ā€¢ Primaris Lieutenant ā€¢ Company Ancient ā€¢ Company Champion
Specialists Librarian (Epistolary ā€¢ Codicier ā€¢ Lexicanium ā€¢ Primaris Librarian ā€¢ Vanguard Librarian) ā€¢ Chaplain (Reclusiarch ā€¢ Primaris Chaplain ā€¢ Judiciar) ā€¢ Apothecary (Primaris Apothecary ā€¢ Apothecary Biologis ā€¢ Helix Adept) ā€¢ Techmarine
Veteran Squads Veteran Marines (Sternguard Veteran ā€¢ Vanguard Veteran ā€¢ Veteran Intercessor ā€¢ Veteran Assault Intercessor ā€¢ Bladeguard Veteran) ā€¢ Terminator Squad ā€¢ Terminator Assault Squad
Battleline Squads Tactical Squad ā€¢ Intercessor Squad (Heavy Intercessor Squad) ā€¢ Infiltrator Squad
Close Support Squads Assault Squad ā€¢ Assault Intercessor Squad ā€¢ Jump Pack Intercessor Squad ā€¢ Inceptor Squad ā€¢ Reiver Squad ā€¢ Incursor Squad ā€¢ Suppressor Squad ā€¢ Bike Squad ā€¢ Outrider Squad ā€¢ Centurion Assault Squad
Fire Support Squads Aggressor Squad ā€¢ Desolation Squad ā€¢ Devastator Squad ā€¢ Hellblaster Squad ā€¢ Eradicator Squad ā€¢ Eliminator Squad ā€¢ Infernus Squad ā€¢ Centurion Devastator Squad
Neophyte Squads Scout Squad ā€¢ Scout Bike Squad
Light Vehicles Assault Bike ā€¢ Attack Bike ā€¢ Scout Bike ā€¢ Raider Pattern Combat Bike ā€¢ Invader ATV ā€¢ Land Speeder (Land Speeder Storm ā€¢ Land Speeder Tempest ā€¢ Land Speeder Tornado ā€¢ Land Speeder Typhoon ā€¢ Land Speeder Vengeance ā€¢ Land Speeder Proteus ā€¢ Darkshroud) ā€¢ Storm Speeder (Storm Speeder Hailstrike ā€¢ Storm Speeder Hammerstrike ā€¢ Storm Speeder Thunderstrike)
Combat Walkers Dreadnought (Castraferrum Dreadnought ā€¢ Siege Dreadnought ā€¢ Hellfire Dreadnought ā€¢ Ironclad Dreadnought ā€¢ Venerable Dreadnought ā€¢ Mortis Dreadnought ā€¢ Chaplain Dreadnought ā€¢ Librarian Dreadnought ā€¢ Furioso Dreadnought ā€¢ Death Company Dreadnought ā€¢ Redemptor Dreadnought (Brutalis Dreadnought ā€¢ Ballistus Dreadnought) ā€¢ Wulfen Dreadnought ā€¢ Doomglaive Dreadnought) ā€¢ Nemesis Dreadknight ā€¢ Invictor Tactical Warsuit
Armoured Personnel Carriers Rhino ā€¢ Razorback ā€¢ Damocles Command Rhino ā€¢ Rhino Primaris ā€¢ Rhino Advancer ā€¢ Impulsor
Main Battle Tanks Predator Destructor (Predator Annihilator ā€¢ Baal Predator) ā€¢ Land Raider (Land Raider Phobos ā€¢ Land Raider Crusader ā€¢ Land Raider Redeemer ā€¢ Land Raider Achilles ā€¢ Land Raider Prometheus ā€¢ Land Raider Terminus Ultra ā€¢ Land Raider Ares ā€¢ Land Raider Excelsior ā€¢ Land Raider Wrath of Mjalnar ā€¢ Land Raider Angel Infernus ā€¢ Land Raider Solemnus Aggressor ā€¢ Land Raider Anvilarum) ā€¢ Deimos Vindicator Laser Destroyer ā€¢ Repulsor ā€¢ Repulsor Executioner ā€¢ Gladiator (Gladiator Reaper ā€¢ Gladiator Valiant ā€¢ Gladiator Lancer) ā€¢ Astraeus
Artillery Whirlwind ā€¢ Vindicator ā€¢ Stalker ā€¢ Hunter ā€¢ Whirlwind Hyperios ā€¢ Land Raider Helios ā€¢ Thunderfire Cannon ā€¢ Firestrike Servo-turret
Aircraft/Air-Deployed Stormtalon ā€¢ Thunderhawk ā€¢ Thunderhawk Transporter ā€¢ Shadowhawk ā€¢ Stormraven ā€¢ Storm Eagle ā€¢ Fire Raptor ā€¢ Stormhawk Interceptor ā€¢ Caestus Assault Ram ā€¢ Dark Talon ā€¢ Nephilim Jetfighter ā€¢ Stormfang ā€¢ Stormwolf ā€¢ Corvus Blackstar ā€¢ Overlord ā€¢ Drop Pod ā€¢ Hammerfall Bunker
Rare, Relic or Retired Vehicles Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought ā€¢ Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought ā€¢ Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer ā€¢ Leviathan Dreadnought ā€¢ Javelin Attack Speeder ā€¢ Jetbike ā€¢ Deimos Predator ā€¢ Deimos Rhino ā€¢ Sabre Tank Hunter ā€¢ Land Raider Proteus ā€¢ Kratos Heavy Assault Tank ā€¢ Mark IIb Land Raider Phobos ā€¢ Malcador Assault Tank (Malcador Annihilator) ā€¢ Sicaran Battle Tank ā€¢ Sicaran Venator ā€¢ Sicaran Punisher Assault Tank ā€¢ Sicaran Arcus Strike Tank ā€¢ Sicaran Omega Tank Destroyer ā€¢ Spartan Assault Tank ā€¢ Typhon Heavy Siege Tank ā€¢ Fellblade ā€¢ Falchion ā€¢ Mastodon ā€¢ Deimos Whirlwind Scorpius ā€¢ Xiphon Pattern Interceptor ā€¢ Stormbird ā€¢ Kharybdis Assault Claw