An Infernus Squad is a squad of Primaris Space Marines deployed by the Adeptus Astartes to provide close-ranged fire support to allied forces through the use of Pyreblaster Flamer weapons.
When an Imperial Space Marine force is faced with innumerable hordes of xenos, such as a Tyranid swarm or an assault by Ork Boyz, an Infernus Squad is the perfect tool. Armed with Pyreblasters that spit gouts of promethium-fuelled incandescent flame, they purge their foes with fiery wrath.
Unit Composition[]
- 4-9 Infernus Primaris Marines
- 1 Infernus Sergeant
- Astartes Close Combat Weapon (such as chainsword, Combat Knife, etc.
- Power Weapon (Any type, Infernus Sergeant only)