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Warhammer 40k Wiki

A Infernal Bombard is a type of Daemon Engine created at the Forge of Souls in the Realm of Chaos.


  • Arks of Omen: Abaddon (9th Edition), pg. 16

Daemon Engines
Chaos Undivided Calamity EngineDeath WheelDecimatorDefilerForgefiendHeldrakeInfernal BombardMaulerfiendSoul GrinderVenomcrawlerWirewolf
Khorne Blood ReaperBlood SlaughtererBlood Throne of KhorneBrass ScorpionCauldron of BloodDeath DealerDoom BlasterKytanLord of BattlesLord of SkullsSkull Cannon of KhorneTower of Skulls
Nurgle Blight DroneContagionFoetid Bloat-droneMyphitic Blight-haulerPlague HulkPlague TowerPlagueburst Crawler
Tzeentch Æther RayThe AuruntaurDoom WingFire LordMirrorfiendSilver Tower
Slaanesh Hell-KnightHell-ScourgeHell-StriderQuestor Scout TitanSubjugator Scout Titan