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Warhammer 40k Wiki

An Imperial Bastion defended by the Astra Militarum.

An Imperial Bastion is an imposing edifice built from foot-thick ferrocrete and the remains of faithful servants of the Imperium. As they are relatively easy to construct, some planets boast networks of Bastions that span entire continents. Built to withstand orbital strikes and artillery bombardments, there are few weapons capable of razing them in a single blow. It is with good reason that such fortresses often form the cornerstone of a planet's defensive strategy.

Bastions afford their defenders commanding fields of fire. An Imperial infantry unit garrisoned within the protective walls can unleash murderous volleys with little fear of reprisal. Four emplaced Heavy Bolters jut from a Bastion's every wall, spitting death at any foes that dare approach. Additional weapons, such as an Icarus Pattern Lascannon for anti-air defence and a quadruple Autocannon mount, may also be present depending on tactical need. Only the most determined assault is likely to shift troops from such a fortification and few who brave an Imperial Bastion's guns ever reach the walls alive.


  • Warhammer 40,000: Stronghold Assault (6th Edition) (Digital Edition), "Imperial Bastion"