House Korvax is a Chaos Knight house and an Infernal house of the Dark Mechanicum in service to Be'lakor, the first Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided, and a splinter of the Loyalist House Raven corrupted by the Dark Master during the Charadon Campaign of the Era Indomitus.
From their mist-wreathed keeps on the penumbral Fallen Knight World of Korvosi, the Chaos Knights of House Korvax spread the dark corruption of Chaos. Misery and fear are their heralds. These dread engines loom out of the cloying shadow that surrounds them like monolithic spectres. With dirge-like war horns blaring, they close in on their terrified foes, pulverising them with deadly salvoes of fire and crushing them beneath thunderous charges.
House History

The colours of House Korvax as displayed by the Knight Desecrator Violator piloted by Arvael.
Agents of anarchy, harbingers of terror and ruinous heralds of the Dark Gods' lust for destruction, the Chaos Knights of House Korvax are corrupted and towering servants of Chaos. This Infernal house operates from a veiled and fractured planet within the Imperium Nihilus. Their Fallen Nobles are in thrall to a fell Daemon Prince of Chaos; their Knights' twisted appearance shows them to be suffused with the power of the Warp. Many Korvax Knights bear diabolical appendages and Warp-powered cannons supplied by forge worlds of the Dark Mechanicum. Daemonic entities bound within their titanic forms scream with soul-piercing fury, and coronas of darkness play about the Knights' helms.
It was not always so. The name of House Korvax has only been heard since the Great Rift's opening at the start of the Era Indomitus. No astrometric chart is even known to record the presence of a star system in the region they now operate from. The truth is that Korvosi is a stolen Knight World and was once Kolossi, the home of the Loyalist House Raven, a house of the Questor Mechanicus in service to the Cult Mechanicus. While the princeps of House Raven and most of his warriors were embroiled in the war for the Charadon Sector in the Ultima Segmentum, the Daemon Prince Be'lakor whispered into the minds of Kolossi's Sacristans. Be'lakor manipulated the artisans into tainting the Thrones Mechanicum of those Knights left to guard Kolossi. When Be'lakor's Daemon hosts attacked the planet's capital at the Keep Inviolate, a full third of the defending Knights turned on their fellows in Be'lakor's name.

The House Korvax Knight Rampager Dark Talon piloted by Reksan Jor.
Before Imperial reinforcements could reach Kolossi, Be'lakor completed his audacious theft. Through the use of potent sorcery, he spirited the entire planet away into the Imperium Nihilus and employed his dark powers to reshape the world into a form more pleasing to him. Be'lakor did the same with the knightly house he had stolen, allowing the Dark Mechanicum to get their talons upon what had once been a house loyal to the Adeptus Mechanicus. They corrupted stockpiles of Knight suits, as well as those aspirants who had not yet undertaken the Ritual of Becoming, tainting their flesh and souls. Now, House Korvax is a dark mockery of House Raven, and Be'lakor's sneering insult to the nobility of that great line.
Warriors in service to Be'lakor -- Traitoris Militarum regiments and Heretic Astartes warbands alike -- now congregate around Korvosi. It is a staging ground for an empire of tyranny and terror. Chief amongst these forces is House Korvax.
When these Chaos Knights attack a world, a shadow falls, both physical and spiritual. The sun and the stars are occluded, the planet's soldiers become fearful and morale weakens. Looming from within the shadow, the Knights of Korvax unleash their attack as the defenders' terror peaks. From coils of darkness, War Dogs rush forward to slaughter vanguards. Tumbling banks of mist suddenly part to reveal charging Knights Rampager that crash through fortifications. The swirling energies are manipulated by darkly blessed Knights Abominant, madness and mutation working to further the terror of House Korvax's assault.
Notable Campaigns
- Charadon Campaign (Unknown Date.M42) - The fall of Kolossi began during the Charadon Campaign of the Era Indomitus, when the Daemon Prince Be'lakor used his powers to sway a number of House Raven's Sacristans to his cause who then secretly corrupted their Knight suits' Thrones Mechanicum with the power of Chaos. After this was done, Be'lakor unleashed the daemonic legions and Heretic Astartes warbands under his command as the Disciples of Be'lakor upon House Raven's Knight World of Kolossi while the Questor Mechanicus house prepared to defend their world. Most of its Knights, however, were already fighting elsewhere in the Charadon Sector, under the command of their Princeps Grevan Raven, leaving the few left on Kolossi heavily outnumbered. These valiant Nobles were led by the Knight Seneschal Havlorn, and he had the remaining House Raven Knights protect their primary fortress, the Keep Inviolate, which was being used as a refuge for Kolossi's population from the daemonic assault. The Daemons and Chaos Space Marines eventually reached the fortress, but as Havlorn was preparing his Knights to defend it, disaster struck. The Nobles who sat upon the Thrones Mechanicum that had been corrupted by the Traitor Sacristans were suddenly transformed into Chaos Knights under the command of Be'lakor. These corrupted Traitor Knights then fired upon their still-loyal allies and Seneschal Havlorn was among the first to be slain. Many of House Raven's remaining Loyalist Knights on the world died soon afterwards and the few remaining survivors were forced to escape offworld. This brought an end to any significant resistance and Kolossi fell to the forces of Be'lakor. However, a distress call had been sent out before House Raven's collapse and it was answered by Battle Group Tarsus of the Indomitus Crusade's Fleet Primus. As the battle group made its way to Kolossi, they sent a vanguard force ahead of them to undertake a reconaissance-in-force of the Knight World. This fleet neared Kolossi even as Seneschal Havlorn and House Raven's remaining Loyalist Knights were being slain by the Traitors. When the Imperial vanguard reached Kolossi they were suddenly attacked by the Disciples of Be'lakor, who had seen the vanguard fleet approach the Fallen Knight World. During the battle that ensued, the vanguard of Battle Group Tarsus dispatched an Adepta Sororitas strike force to Kolossi, but the corrupted House Raven Knights counter-attacked. Though the vanguard fleet and Sisters of Battle strike force were both quickly overwhelmed, Be'lakor knew that that the full might of Battle Group Tarsus would soon arrive. Rather than risk losing his newly-won prize, the Daemon Prince enacted a sorcerous ritual to transport the entire world through the Immaterium to a new location deep within the Imperium Nihilus, where he soon transformed its surface into a realm of shadows more to his liking, renaming the planet Korvosi and its Chaos Knights House Korvax. Korvax's nightmarishly deformed Chaos Knights are now among the most powerful of Be'lakor's servants who stand with the forces of Daemons, Heretic Astartes and Traitoris Militarum that also defend the Dark Master's new realm.
House Homeworld
Korvosi, once the Knight World of Kolossi that was home to House Raven, is now a Fallen Knight World of mist and shadow, reshaped by the hand of the Dark Master Be'lakor, the first Daemon Prince, now enshrouded by a darkness so vast that it stretches into the surrounding void of space. This shadow makes the world appear to conventional augurs more as an absence against a backdrop of stars than a visible presence.
Rumour and nightmarish tales are all that have reached the cognoscenti of the Imperium concerning the fate of Kolossi. Fleeting glimpses of Korvosi's surface have fuelled tales of immense chasms that now scar a bleak, fractured landscape. Hypnotic balefires and monstrous machineries churn in their depths. Whispers have surfaced of gigantic land masses the size of continents that float in the skies, tethered by immense chains with links as broad as battleships.
Upon one of these continent-sized shards there is said to stand a colossal fortress-city, seething with wailing souls. At its pinnacle, so the tales recount, is an enormous throne upon which sits a brooding malefic entity - Be'lakor, the Dark Master and ruler of Korvosi.
Notable Knights
- Violator - Violator is a Knight Desecrator of House Korvax piloted by the Fallen Noble Arvael. The Chaos Knight's dark heraldry matches the stained spirit at its heart and pleas for mercy before it are answered solely by ruinous firepower and crushing force.
- Dark Talon - Dark Talon is a Knight Rampager of House Korvax piloted by Reksan Jor.
Notable Personnel
- Arvael - The brooding Arvael was among those young aspirants of House Raven who were abducted along with their planet and its last defenders. What nobility he possessed was stripped from him, his dignity warped into taciturn disdain for those he once served. Now, Arvael pilots the Knight Desecrator Violator, both of them remade to Be'lakor's design and existing purely to enact the first Daemon Prince's diabolical schemes.
- Reksan Jor - A succession of Fallen Nobles have wrought bloody atrocities while commanding the Knight Rampager Dark Talon. Few were able to do much more than steer the war engine from one brutal engagement to the next. All ended their days insane, while enraged spirits screamned at them from Dark Talon's Throne Mechanicum. Reksan Jor has been the first Fallen Noble to tame the Chaos Knight's ferocious spirit. She was legitimised in a lightless ritual, her own heritage unknown. Reksan Jor's iron-hard will and malicious cruelty have focussed the Chaos Knight's mindless rampages into horrific atrocities that terrify and disgust her foes.
House Appearance
House Colours
House Korvax's Chaos Knights sport grey and white colours.
House Arms
House Korvax's heraldry is simply a raven, its wings raised in a subtle mockery of House Raven, whose own badge does not display an avian.
- Codex: Chaos Knights (9th Edition), pp. 28-29
- War Zone: Charadon Act II: The Book of Fire (9th Edition), pp. 14-15, 18-19, 43