Warhammer 40k Wiki
Warhammer 40k Wiki

Headhunter by Steve Parker is a Warhammer 40,000 short story published in 2009 and collected in the anthologies Nexus & Other Stories, Heroes of the Space Marines, Xenos Hunters, and Deathwatch.


The Adeptus Astartes of the Deathwatch stand firm against the terrifying xenos swarms. Compiled of elite, veteran battle-brothers from myriad Chapters, it is their duty to investigate, analyze, and destroy the most dangerous alien threats to the sanctity of Mankind's realms.

A squad of Deathwatch Space Marines must infiltrate an Ork spacecraft to investigate and eradicate a new threat. But they soon learn that the rabid Greenskins are not the true danger; something all the more dangerous lurks, threatening to destroy them all.

