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Warhammer 40k Wiki

A harvester fortress is a massive, mobile mining vehicle employed by the Cthonian Mining Guilds of the Leagues of Votann. The Kin's harvester fortresses are very robust vehicles, capable of operating in extreme planetary environments.

For instance, harvester fortresses were employed on Törg, an outlying world in Greater Thurian League space where many Terran years of deep-core tectonic mining left the planet riven by great chasms. It is now a hostile mass of jagged stone, exposed magma veins, convulsing super-volcanoes and toxic fumes, which the Thurian harvester fortresses traversed as they mined Törg's great mineral wealth.

Unfortunately, these mining operations came to an end when the fortresses' crews of Cthonian miners had to be rescued by the Thurian Oathbands under the command of Kâhl Ûthar the Destined from an assault by the forces of the Heretic Astartes during the Battle of Örgvayr in the Era Indomitus.


  • Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pp. 16-17