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Kâhl Ûthar the Destined, wielding the Blade of the Ancestors, faces Chaos Lord Hakatar of the World Eaters upon the stone bridge above the Chasm of Embers on Törg during the Battle of Örgvayr.

Hakatar was a Chaos Lord of the World Eaters Legion who led his warband of Chaos Space Marines through Warp Storm Örgvayr to invade Greater Thurian League space in the galactic core after the formation of the Great Rift in what became known as the Battle of Örgvayr.

Joining with the forces of his fellow World Eater Chaos Lord Urthak Skullripper and the Nurglite Heretic Astartes of The Purge, Hakatar's forces assaulted the Kin World of Törg, trapping the Kin Cthonian Guild miners there within their besieged harvester fortresses.

A rescue force of Oathbands belonging to the Thurian Kindred of Vôrtun arrived at Törg under the overall command of Kâhl Ûthar the Destined and succeeded in driving off the Chaos forces long enough for the Kin to rescue their miners and a significant amount of the valuable resources they had mined from the volcanic world.

Hakatar was slain in a duel with Ûthar fought upon the stone span bridging the Chasm of Embers when the kâhl took the World Eater's right leg off with a vicious sweep of his Blade of the Ancestors and pitched him, still howling with fury, into the flames below.


  • Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pp. 16-17