Insiginia of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance, the league to which Hâvyr Starseeker's Farsail of Thryk Kindred belongs.
Hâvyr Starseeker is a Kin theyn of the Farsail of Thryk Kindred of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance. He commands the Hernkyn Yaegir force known as Need's Gaârd that was engaged in seeking to recover a Legacy Vault after its Quicksilver-class Scout Ship Vektrônn's Eye crashed into the subterranean Deeprealm citadel of the Genestealer Cult known as the Cult of the Chittering Verse on the Forge World of Bheta-Decima.
Need's Gaârd soon became fiercely engaged with a unit of the cult's Cadian Neo-917th regiment of Brood Brothers called the "Wardens of the Verse" and the cult's magus after their Extrication Craft Thargr 7 was shot down by enemy fire.
Starseeker is a warrior with vast experience over many solar decades of military service to his Kindred who has spent an unusual amount of that time with the Hernkyn Yaegir. He is renowned among them for his long experience, wisdom, and the successful exploits he has commanded.
- Kill Team: Termination (Specialist Game), pp. 4-9, 28