Warhammer 40k Wiki
Warhammer 40k Wiki

A Graviton Destructor deployed on a Warhound-class Titan.

A Graviton Destructor is a Titan-grade Grav Weapon deployed as an arm hardpoint weapon on Warhound-class Titans and as a chassis-hardpoint weapon on Reaver-class Titans during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy eras.


A Graviton Destructor deployed on the chassis of a Reaver-class Titan.

It unleashes a directed energy particle beam of gravitons towards a target that dramatically increases the local gravity, crushing the foe under its own mass. It possesses a shoter range and less stopping power than its larger Titan-grade counterpart, the Graviton Ruinator deployed on Warlord-class Titans.

Graviton weapons are a rare sight on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium, mostly handheld, used to crumple heavy infantry and light vehicles by turning their own mass against them. Turn one of these present-day Grav-Guns onto a large walker or even a Titan, though, and it will do little more than bubble the paint.

During the Horus Heresy, however, things were rather different. Arcane, gravity-based weaponry was everywhere -- and it was a whole lot bigger and more powerful. Big enough, in fact, to fit on a Titan. And definitely big enough to destroy one.

