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An Imperial Galaxy-class Armed Freighter common among the merchant fleets.

A Galaxy-class Armed Freighter is an ancient transport voidship whose design dates back to the later years of the Age of Strife and is used by the Imperial merchant fleets as a commercial trader and by the Astra Militarum as a troop transport.

Radically different in its design from the newer, more high-capacity Imperial transports and freighters which have largely replaced it, these vessels retain a much more substantial weapons fit than their successors, as they were originally designed for a time when space was much more hostile to Human merchant traffic before the Great Crusade spread the Emperor's rule across the galaxy. However, with the Imperium now besieged on all sides and the Navis Imperialis' fleets overstretched, there has been a resurgence in the use of these vessels as the various merchant guilds once more seek greater protection for their cargoes.

If used as a military transport by the Astra Militarum, it can carry at least 2 infantry regiments, 2 mechanised infantry regiments and 1 armored regiment with all of their tanks and other armoured vehicles.

Notable Vessels[]

  • Dyenna's Pass - This Galaxy-class freighter part in an unescorted convoy of six vessels which came under pirate attack in the Adventium Subsector. The Dyenna's Pass skilfully directed the lumbering transports to fight off the pirates for nearly a week at a loss of only two cargo ships. Eventually the remaining ships were rescued by a squadron of Space Marine Escorts.


  • Battlefleet Gothic Magazine 4, pg. 11
  • The Traitor's Hand (Novel) by Sandy Mitchell, Ch. 1