The Milky Way Galaxy after the formation of the Great Rift in ca. 999.M41; the great mass of the galactic core is located to the east of Terra in the Segmentum Ultima.
The galactic core is the very heart of the Milky Way Galaxy and is entirely located in the Ultima Segmentum of Imperial space. It is bounded by the unstable region of border space called the circumnuclear disc and at its centre lies the supermassive black hole that comprises the true gravitational heart of the galaxy. The galactic core has long been the home region of space for the Leagues of Votann, but the birth of the Great Rift in the Era Indomitus has led other major starfaring races such as Humanity, the forces of Chaos, the Aeldari, the Orks, and the T'au to enter the region in larger numbers for the first time, leading to increased contacts and conflicts with the Kin.
The galactic core where most of the Kin dwell is an immense region, and one of the most turbulent in all the known galaxy. It is also, to those who dwell outside its bounds, known for being one of the most mysterious and perilous stretches of space imaginable. Most void-faring species have at least one cautionary tale of foolish explorers vanishing amidst its blazing stellar nurseries and strange anomalies. Yet for the Leagues of Votann, the galactic core has been home now for many Terran millennia.
The galactic core is a truly vast region of space, one within which all of the fundamental physical forces of the universe seem heightened and intensified to sometimes bewildering degrees. The sheer density of stars alone is disorienting and extremely hazardous to those unused to it. Many worlds within the core never experience the true darkness of night, or are perpetually bombarded by a wide spectra of exotic -- and often extremely dangerous -- ionising radiation.
Due to strange fundamental force interactions between stellar bodies, dense particulate belts and titanic electromagnetic anomalies, there are regions of the core in which the gravitic pull of comparatively small moons and planetoids is immensely magnified. Dense asteroid belts thousands of kilometeres across; ravenous black holes; polarised, vitrified and even self-aware nebulae; enigmatic and terrifying greystars; these and countless other phenomena endanger any individuals daring the space of the galactic core.

Map of a portion of Leagues of Votann space in the galactic core during the Era Indomitus.
Yet for all their perils, many intelligent alien species successfully inhabit this vast region, and even prosper amidst its opportunities and riches. The Kin are foremost among these -- inarguably so, for the territories of their Leagues of Votann occupy much of the core when taken as a whole. However, both within their borders and beyond, countless dangers still lurk and strange beings ply the stars in search of plunder, trade and conquest, or in the hopes of sating other, stranger desires. In particular, Greenskins are an ever-present threat and are the traditional and most hated foes of all Kin.
The map above shows a portion of Leagues of Votann space in the galactic core during the Era Indomitus after the birth of the Great Rift. Among the Leagues of Votann present in this region, the Greater Thurian League control one of the largest swathes of space. They benefit from many sources of raw materials and -- after Terran millennia of constant toil and bloodshed -- have eliminated most of the more prominent alien threats within their borders. Their trade routes are widespread, even striking out into Far-space.
Few of the Leagues of Votann possess territories in the core as rich in raw materials as those of the Ymyr Conglomerate. Of course, such wealth comes at a price; many are the minor alien empires and invading raiders who have come seeking the bounty claimed by these Kin and much blood has been spilled in the never-ending war to drive them away.
The Ghulo Industrial Complex control a broad belt of territories in this region that curls counter-spinward towards the southern heartlands of the galactic core. This League of Votann is forever seeking to add new star systems and planets to their already impressive holdings and are skilled in transforming even the most barren worlds into productive and valuable assets for their league.
Occasionally, rogue planets have been known to be cast out of the galactic core due to gravitic anomalies, often into the Maelstrom Zone, from where the Imperium can finally access the core's much-coveted rare strategic minerals and isotopes.
The galactic core is home to a nebula known as "The Cradle," which is a rich source of precious metals, ores, and energy. Human pirates are known to be active in this region of space, seeking to prey upon Imperial or other shipping trading in these commodities.
Circumnuclear Disc[]
This strange liminal zone of space fringes the galactic core. It appears from afar like a shifting mosaic of many-hued, particulate nebulae that fall eternally inward toward the core.
Close up, its true perilous nature is revealed -- the disc is wrenched at by unstable empyric currents just beneath the skein of realspace, and bedevilled by strange radiation spectra, errant gravitic anomalies, dense asteroid fields and tumbling rogue stars on the material plane.
It is a truly perilous region to cross, even for the most skilled helmsmen and navigators. The circumnuclear disc is considered the far borders of Leagues of Votann space by most Kin, and to venture beyond it is to enter Far-space.
Great Rift Effects[]
The greatest recorded upheaval to Leagues of Votann space came with the emergence of the Great Rift at the dawn of the Era Indomitus, and the eruption of multiple Warp Storms across the galactic core as a result. Warp Storms Örgvayr, Töroll, Öggh, Cyklöp and other distorted maelstroms swallowed star systems, consumed Kindreds, sundered age-old trade routes and stable Warp currents, and left many leagues either suddenly embattled or broken into Warp-riven territorial fragments.
As the shock waves of the Warp Storms rolled outward, worse was to follow. Long-stable celestial phenomena convulsed and mutated, with pulsars becoming betentacled predatory horrors, grav-reefs inverting and black holes sprouting dark matter fangs as they expanded ravenously. Hostile alien races -- such as the insidious Septeryx, the Chrobdyr Ferrophagites and the ominous Cult of Ohn -- were driven onto the warpath as their own home star systems were consumed. Some Warp Storms -- Örgvayr and Gëirokh worst amongst them -- vomited hordes of Chaos-worshipping invaders and Daemonic horrors, and one Ork WAAAGH! after another erupted from the fringes of the storms.
It was in the face of such threats that many of the Leagues of Votann chose to seek new territory beyond the bounds of the core for the first time in their histories. At the same time, the universal upheaval catapulted Human, Aeldari and T'au interlopers into the galactic core, dislocated through space and time by the energies of the raging Warp and spat out in territory claimed by the Leagues. Anarchic conflicts erupted as interlopers sought to either fight their way out or claim territories for themselves, and the Kin fought back with equal vigour.
The galactic core has thus become the region of the galaxy most heavily affected by the Warp turbulence and anomalies unleashed by the formation of the Great Rift. It has become utterly consumed by Warp rifts and the savants of the Imperium are unsure if anything within it can even survive.
- Avenging Son (Novel) by Guy Haley, Ch. 26
- Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pg. 22
- Imperial Armour Volume Nine: The Badab War - Part One, pp. 9-11
- Warhammer 40,000: Rulebook (5th Edition), pp. 116-117