"There's no better companion than a Fenrisian Wolf; loyal, vicious, and with a taste for battle to put an Ork to shame!"
- — Battle-Brother Frey, Space Wolves 8th Great Company

Fenrisian Wolves with a Space Wolves Astartes.
The massive Fenrisian Wolf (Lupus fenrisii) is a fearsome, semi-sentient predator and an enduring symbol of the Space Wolves Chapter's frozen homeworld of Fenris.
Space Wolves Astartes, in the ancient tradition of their primarch Leman Russ, often befriend and train Fenrisian Wolves (in so much as such a feral being can truly be trained). Fenrisian Wolves will fight ferociously beside their master against his foes and certain breeds of these beasts can even be ridden as a form of cavalry into combat.

A pack of Fenrisian Wolves
The wolves of Fenris are amongst the most vicious predators in the known universe. Very few know the sheer diversity of Fenrisian Wolf species that exist upon Fenris, but they range from the common but nonetheless deadly Fenrisian Wolf, to the hulking Blackmaned Wolf, all the way up to the infamous Thunderwolf that prowls the northernmost ice caps. Legends tell of creatures larger still, whose jaws are capable of crushing steel and whose teeth are as large as tree trunks.
These creatures roam the vast tracts of Fenris' only stable continent, Asaheim, the inhospitable tundras and hinterlands that surround the foot of the mountains of Fangard upon whose peaks stands the Space Wolves' vast fortress-monastery, The Fang.
The Fenrisian Wolves are said to be more intelligent by far than ordinary Terran wolves. It is also said that they are led by a great king of their kind, a black wolf that is darker than night and as large as a mountain who is called Kjarg, the King of Wolfkind.
According to Fenrisian tribal legends, the Space Wolves' Primarch Leman Russ fought and tamed the great Fenrisian Wolf packs of the continent of Asaheim. He cast down the two-headed Deathwolf Morkai, and made him the guardian of the Gates of Death, a task which Morkai has endured ever since. There are many myths of how Russ fought Morkai's supernatural lieutenants, such as Blackmane, and banished each in turn.
The Thunderwolf was one of the ancient wolves that Russ fought and vanquished. So vast was the Thunderwolf that its growl was the thunder and the glint of its fangs the lightning, but Russ was louder and more fearsome still. The Thunderwolf ran from Russ and continues to run to this day, forever circling Fenris. It can still be seen as a constellation in the night sky, fleeing across the heavens.
The most terrible of all was Blackmane, a terrifying giant with midnight-black fur also known as the Howler of the Night, whose long keening calls the dead from their graves. Russ fought the Blackmane and slew him, making his pelt into a magic cloak that allowed him to pass beyond the Gates of Death and return when his people needed him.
Hunting down a pack of these supernaturally ferocious beasts and slaying one of these legendary creatures armed with nothing but their wits, is considered a great feat by the battle-brothers of the Space Wolves Chapter. This ritual is known as a "Lone Hunt."
Should the battle-brother somehow kill the alpha male of a pack, the rest of the Fenrisian Wolves will instinctively treat the Astartes as their new alpha male. When this battle-brother returns to The Fang, it will be in the company of a pack of Fenrisian Wolves.
Many of these packmates form a lasting bond, and from that moment on they will fight at their master's side until one or both of them die in battle. Such is the bond between Astartes and Fenrisian Wolf, that should the beast be critically injured in battle the Chapter's Iron Priests will cybernetically augment it with bionics so that it may live to fight another day.
Anatomy and Physiology[]
Fenrisian Wolves vary in colouration from dappled grey or white to the rarer black. They have wild, shaggy manes and possess powerful shoulders and overdeveloped, iron-hard teeth. Fenrisian Wolves are grouped into packs, obeying the natural order of certain mammalian analogue predators, hunting in groups and instinctively obeying the largest and most ferocious of their kind who functions as the pack's alpha male.
It is these alpha males that lead the Fenrisian Wolf packs; making decisions, facing down external threats and challenges to his position and enjoying the benefit of getting first pickings of the pack's kill and primary mating rights with the female pack members. The savage menfolk of the feral Fenrisian Human tribes respect the position of the alpha male, striving to emulate these creatures in their own social groupings.
"There are no wolves on Fenris."
"Oh you know there are, and you know what they are."
- —Leman Russ, primarch of the Space Wolves Legion, in a conversation with Magnus the Red, primarch of the Thousand Sons Legion
The origin of the Fenrisian Wolves is something of a mystery. The Space Wolves have stated that these creatures did not exist on Fenris until the arrival of the world's first Human colonists. However, they also cryptically state that "there are no wolves on Fenris." What this refers to is unknown.
Fenrisian Wolves as Allies[]

A Fenrisian Wolf
Fenrisian Wolves are simple, brutal beasts, loyal only to their master and remorseless against their enemies. As a follower, a Fenrisian Wolf will trail behind the battle-brother wherever he goes, whining if forced to stay behind, and attack his enemies with a gesture or a word.
Fenrisian Wolves aid Space Wolves in numerous ways during battle. Their speed makes them a great flanking unit with which to harry the Space Wolves' enemies and pick off smaller units. They are also used as a fast-moving distraction to the main battleline, leaving the Space Wolves' opponents guessing at their next move. They will also stay by the side of the battle-brother if he falls, protecting his body and maybe even pulling him to safety.
Fenrisian Wolves are also quintessentially linked to the Space Wolves Chapter and will often be a point of contention and friction with battle-brothers of other Chapters, especially if they are the ones which have to squeeze into a Rhino with it or suffer it panting through a tactical briefing.
Fenrisian Wolf Variants[]
Common Fenrisian Wolf[]
The common Fenrisian Wolf is a larger-than-normal lupine-like mammalian analogue predator that is no less deadly than its larger cousins.
Blackmaned Wolf[]
Similar in anatomy to that of the more common variety of Fenrisian Wolf, the Blackmaned Fenrisian Wolf is as tall and muscular as an ancient medieval warhorse. Their heads are proportionately larger and their teeth are even more pronounced. It is said that their jaws can exert as much pressure as those of an ice shark, and they are capable of hunting the largest prey through the thickest winter blizzards.
These forbidding creatures are only seen in the dead of a Fenrisian winter when packs descend from the mountains to the lowlands where the Fenrisian barbarian tribes live to feed, leaving little more in their wake then ravaged pieces of bloody bone. Famously intractable, only the most celebrated Wolf Lords of the Space Wolves go into battle alongside these fierce beasts.
According to Fenrisian myths, the Blackmaned Wolves serve in the afterlife as the minions of Morkai, the two-headed guardian of the Gates of Death. It is believed that any mortal who crosses into the afterlife with a Blackmane at his side will never truly die.

A Cyberwolf
Cyberwolves are created from critically injured Fenrisian Wolf packmates who have been cybernetically augmented by the Space Wolves Chapter's Iron Priests to continue serving alongside their Space Wolf masters beyond the point of death.
These cybernetically-enhanced lupine allies are often seen accompanying Iron Priests into battle.

The Space Wolves' Thunderwolf Cavalry in battle.
The legendary Thunderwolf is undoubtedly the apex predator in the frozen realms at the top of the world, dwelling at the very northernmost point of Fenris, making their lairs in the fabled Mountains of the Maelstrom. These fierce creatures are venerated by many Human Fenrisian tribes as a spirit totem. Solitary creatures, they usually attack each other on sight, as if every Thunderwolf strives to be the alpha male of the entire world.
Physically, these creatures are truly monstrous, having more in common with a Terran rhinoceroid than with a Terran canine. Clad in a shaggy coat of rough fur as tough as matted steel wire, their jutting jaws are strong enough to chew through steel. Unlike their smaller cousins, Thunderwolves do not track their prey down over time, instead they bear down upon their victims in a terrifying charge. They then snatch their unfortunate victims up in their massive maw, then tear their prey's head off with violent thrashing motions and their gnashing, grinding bite.
Only the Space Wolves have the superhuman constitution to hunt these fearsome creatures that haunt the perpetually ice-ridden storms that could flay the skin from a lesser creature. This is an extreme version of the ritual Fenrisian hunt known as the "Lone Hunt." It is believed that this is an initiation ritual to the upper echelons of the Wolf Guard. Legend has it that those that have joined with a Thunderwolf, do so on a spiritual and sometimes even mental level. By force of will or mutual respect, lesser Fenrisian wolfkin will obey Thunderwolves' snarled commands.
These creatures have given rise to the legendary Thunderwolf Cavalry. This small elite within the ranks of the Wolf Guard have remained surprisingly absent from official Imperial records. It is believed that the Space Wolves augment their lupine steeds with all matter of cybernetic enhancements, including vicious adamantium jaws, hissing pistons and back-jointed metal limbs that end in razor-sharp blades.
Though the Space Wolves continue to deny the practise of riding these beasts to war since they are technically semi-sentient xenos in the Imperium's eyes, rumours still abound across the Fenris Sector about the glorious charges of the Space Wolves' Thunderwolf Cavalry.
13th Great Company[]
The 13th Great Company of the Space Wolves Legion that was lost in the Eye of Terror for many standard millennia during or slightly after the Horus Heresy are also accompanied by wolf packs made up of the descendants of the Fenrisian Wolves that followed the Space Wolves Legion to combat at the time of the Great Crusade.
Notable Fenrisian Wolves[]
- Cogfang - The Cyberwolf of the Iron Priest Anvarr Rustmane, known for the rust-red hair that ran down his back and was decorated with a tapestry of cogs, spikes of bone, fangs, spend bolter cartridges, lengths of relay wiring and other scrap. With his fellow Space Wolves and his cyberwolf, he fought the Drukhari of the Kabal of the Forked Tongue on the planet Vityris.
- Freki and Geri - It is said that Primarch Leman Russ marched to war with two gigantic Blackmane Wolves at his side, possessed of fierce near-human intelligence who were known as Freki and Geri, meaning "Fierce" and "Cunning" in the Fenrisian dialect of Low Gothic. When the infant Primarch first crash-landed in his gestation capsule upon the frozen Death World of Fenris, the mewling man-infant was found by a Fenrisian she-wolf and raised as her man-cub alongside his two lupine companions. They are believed to be his original pack-brothers, growing to maturity at much the same time because of Russ' unusually rapid growth to adulthood.
- Fangir - Fangir is the monstrous Thunderwolf ridden by Canis Wolfborn. It is said that he is strong as a mastodon and as tall at the shoulder as a Fenrisian Ice Troll.
- Svangir and Ulfgir - Svangir and Ulfgir are the two Fenrisian Wolf companions of Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane. In the image of Leman Russ' Freki and Geri, both wolves accompany their human pack-brother wherever he goes and fight ferociously at his side, sadly howling in frustration in those occasion Ragnar is forced to leave them behind due to the demands of warfare.
- Icetooth - The Wolf Lord Harald Deathwolf rides a monstrous Fenrisian Grey Wolf into battle. During a confrontation with the Renegade Wolf Lord Svane Vulfbad in 913.M41, a shard of the Traitor's Frost Axe was imbedded within the cybernetic jaw of Harald's Thunderwolf. Thus, the beast gained the name Icetooth which he has carried ever since.
- Tyrnak and Fenrir - Tyrnak and Fenrir are the two Fenrisian Wolf companions of the current Great Wolf, Logan Grimnar. Tyrnak and Fenrir are used to pull the ancient anti-grav war chariot Stormrider.
- Codex: Eye of Terror (3rd Edition), pg. 36
- Codex: Space Wolves (2nd Edition), pg. 14
- Codex: Space Wolves (5th Edition), pp. 31, 34, 88
- Deathwatch: First Founding (RPG), pg. 108
- Index Astartes II, "Wolves of Fenris - The Space Wolves Chapter" by Phil Kelly, pp. 2-11
- The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno (Forge World Series) by Alan Bligh, pp. 76-77, 79 (Fenrisian Speculation)
- Warhammer 40,000 Compilation (1st Edition), pg. 16
- Prospero Burns (Novel) by Dan Abnett, Ch. 4
- Stormseeker (Short Story) by Alec Worley
- A Thousand Sons (Novel) by Graham McNeill
- Leman Russ: The Great Wolf (Novel) by Chris Wraight, Ch. 1