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Insiginia of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance, the league to which the Farsail of Thryk Kindred belongs.

The Farsail of Thryk Kindred is a Kindred of the Leagues of Votann's Trans-Hyperian Alliance.

A far-travelled people, the Kin of the Farsail of Thryk embark on exploration and adventure with compulsive determination. While other leagues may dispatch large Prospects or Oathbands into the void to bring back resources and knowledge, the Farsail of Thryk Kindred are entirely voidborne and ever on the move.

Their hold is an entire fleet of huge voidships complete with fortified city, mining, and factory vessels escorted by heavy warships.


In the wake of the fall of the space hulk called the Gallowdark to the Forge World of Bheta-Decima in the Nemesys Sector of the Segmentum Tempestus, the Genestealer Cult present on Bheta-Decima known as the Cult of the Chittering Verse has since managed to finally draw the notice of the xenos they call the "Star-Children," who they believe will soon arrive to save them from the present conflict and usher in their long-promised spiritual salvation.

As such, a small splinter of Hive Fleet Leviathan is currently en route to Bheta-Decima, but its bio-ships were detected in transit and engaged by the Farsail of Thryk Kindred of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance league. These Kin seek to trap and then harvest the resources of the splinter fleet, as the Leagues of Votann have discovered that they can render bio-ship organic matter into rare and exotic compounds that can be used in all sorts of highly profitable applications, from new medicae treatments to voidship engineering projects.

Scout vessels were deployed ahead of the Tyranid splinter fleet to identify its prey worlds, but the Quicksilver-class Scout Ship Vektrônn's Eye was shot down over Bheta-Decima by the Genestealer Cultists. The ship crashed into the central hold of their Genestealer Patriarch in the subterranean region known as the Seethe, named the Deeprealm. In a desperate panic, the troops of the Chittering Verse, including the Traitoris Militarum Cadian Neo-917th Regiment comprised of Brood Brothers and Genestealer hybrids, descended upon the wreckage of the Leagues of Votann ship and were battling with its Kin to eradicate the intrusion.

Notable Units[]

  • Need's Gaârd - Need's Gaârd is a team of Hernkyn Yaegirs of the Farsail of Thryk Kindred who were deployed from the downed Quicksilver-class Scout Ship Vektrônn's Eye on the contested Forge World of Bheta-Decima. During the combat over the Deeprealm that was the name of the subterranean citadel of the Genestealer Cult known as the Cult of the Chittering Verse's Genestealer Patriarch, Extrication Craft Thargr 7 carrying Need's Gaârd from the Vektrônn's Eye was shot down by enemy fire. The Kin's team leader Vynn Dreygr and his squad survived the crash but were forced to regroup as they sought to secure a Legacy Vault present in the Deeprealm, a critical Kin artefact present on Bheta-Decima that they sought to secure and return to the Votann. A Legacy Vault is an advanced Leagues of Votann cogitator technology that allows the neural makeup of individual Kin who have been slain far from their holds to be secured and stored in order to one day be rejoined with their distant Ancestor Core. To recover these neural patterns is a primary task of the Kin's Hernkyn. The Kin kill-team fortified their position at the crash site while fending off repeated ambushes from infected Brood Brothers of the cult's Cadian Neo-917th, a former Astra Militarum regiment that had come wholly under the control of the Chittering Verse's Broodmind during its time deployed to Bheta-Decima. The guidance of the cult's magus was pivotal in this first contact, as her psychic focus allowed the commander of a Cadian Neo-917th unit named Jerran Krauss to discover the Kin's movements after they unleashed a counteroffensive on the Brood Brothers as a distraction. As the Brood Brothers of the opposing Cadian Neo-117th unit known as the "Wardens of the Verse" launched coordinated attacks under the guidance of Krauss and the magus, the Kin retaliated fiercely but were ultimately forced to seek out a generatorium that could be used to power-up the damaged Legacy Vault so that the transfer of its precious data could begin. The Kin discovered their communications had been compromised by the cultists, leading to an ambush by the Brood Brothers at a generator site. The situation became dire when a Purestrain Genestealer revealed itself, accompanied by more Brood Brothers and a powerful female Clamavus. Despite heavy losses, including the near-death of Vynn Dreygr, the Kin managed to fend off their attackers temporarily. In the end, the remaining members of Need's Gaârd held out at the generatorium site while Dreygyr made a solo journey back to the Vektronn's Eye for reinforcements, leaving his team to defend the Legacy Vault. The team was resigned to fight to the death, knowing that through the Legacy Vault, their knowledge and sacrifice would return to the Votann, ensuring that their legacy would endure even if their lives did not.

Notable Members[]

  • Hâvyr Starseeker - A theyn of the Farsail of Thryk Kindred, Hâvyr Starseeker commands the Hernkyn Yaegir force known as Need's Gaârd that was engaged in seeking to recover a Legacy Vault after crashing into the subterranean Deeprealm citadel of the Genestealer Cult known as the Cult of the Chittering Verse on the Forge World of Bheta-Decima. He is a warrior with vast experience over many solar decades of military service to his Kindred who has spent an unusual amount of that time with the Hernkyn Yaegirs. He is renowned among them for his long experience, wisdom, and the successful exploits he has commanded.


  • Kill Team: Termination (Specialist Game), pp. 4-9, 27-28