An Einhyr Hearthguard of the Greater Thurian League wearing a suit of exo-armour.
Exo-armour is a suit of massive, servo-assisted, powered heavy infantry armour that serves as the trademark personal protection of the elite Einhyr troops of the Leagues of Votann. Its inch-thick armour plate provides personal protection equivalent to or even in excess of that provided by the Terminator Armour worn by the Adeptus Astartes.

The back carapace of a suit of exo-armour; at right is detail of a Mass Hammer.
Selected from the most accomplished fighters in a Kin hold, the Einhyr Hearthguard have many roles -- from bodyguards, to deadly first-strike troops to serving as voidship boarding parties. Each Hearthguard has proved themselves over many Terran years of front-line combat, ascending purely by the virtue of their deeds, just as the staunch meritocracy of the Leagues requires.
Like Hearthkyn Warriors, Hearthguard are dependable fighters, but their experience and inch-thick exo-armour battle plate take the Kin's natural durability to a whole new level. Crack units of Einhyr Hearthguard can be trusted to hold the line and inspire their fellows to stand firm even in the face of untold horrors.
Exo-armour is capable of shrugging off even anti-tank fire while hugely enhancing its wearer's physical strength in battle. A wearer of exo-armour retains full freedom of movement and its acts to auto-stabilise their aim while they return fire. It can also mount a large array of weapons systems, including EtaCarn Plasma Weapons, Volkanite Disintegrators, Concussion Weapons, Plasma Blade Gauntlets, and even the potent Mass Hammer, as well as being outfitted with a Weavefield or Teleportation Crest.
The exo-armour worn by Einhyr Champions is modified with the addition of two cylindrical components placed on the back of the armour that comprises a mass driver accelerator. This technology allows them to move their great armoured bulk for short periods with intense speed. Combined with their formidable close quarters melee weaponry and bulky RAM Shields, this wargear transforms them into living battering rams whose preternatural accelerated charge hits hard enough to smash clean through armoured fortress gates.
- Vartijan Exo-Driller
- Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pp. 20, 90, 94
- Warhammer Community - Exo-Armour Turns Leagues of Votann Elites Into Mountains of Muscle and Guns