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Star of Chaos

The Star of Chaos, the most sacred symbol of those who serve Chaos.

The Exilarchy is a great army of Human Chaos Cultists, Traitoris Militarum and mutants that also counts several warbands of Heretic Astartes among its number. It was active in the backwater Elara's Veil sector of the Ultima Segmentum in the Era Indomitus.

The leaders of the Exilarchy are the warband of Chaos Space Marines known as The Pure, who were the survivors of a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter called the Star Scorpions that had been native to the world of Khamun-Sen in the Veil. The Star Scorpions' entire Chapter fleet had been lost in the Warp, and the survivors later returned to realspace as the Chaos Space Marines of The Pure.

The Pure use the mortals of the Exilarchy as foot soldiers and cannon fodder to further their cause, which is to claim the entirety of the Elara's Veil region as a new Chaos realm under their direct control. In the aftermath of the Great Rift's creation at the dawn of the Era Indomitus, the Pure and the Exilarchy were expelled by the Warp into the region of Elara's Veil.

The twenty Human-settled worlds of that sector were controlled by the Imperium, but The Pure sought to colonise them with the troops of the Exilarchy to create a new stellar empire dedicated to Chaos in a warped version of their former dedication to protecting the region. This brought them into direct conflict with their former brethren among the Adeptus Vaelarii, the "Sentinels of the Veil," which now included the Emperor's Spears and Celestial Lions Chapters, charged, as the Star Scorpions had been, with protecting the worlds of Elara's Veil.

However, after over a standard century of warfare between the Chaos and Imperial forces experienced due to the temporal instability caused by the Great Rift in the region, and primarily due to the sheer size of the Exilarchy forces, roughly half of Elara's Veil is now under The Pure's control. The Adeptus Vaelarii continue to valiantly hold the line against these servants of the Archenemy, but only time will tell if they will be able to maintain their vigil successfully, for both Chapters are depleted forces trapped on the Imperium's benighted frontier in the Imperium Nihilus.


  • Index Astartes - Emperor's Spears (Limited Edition) by Aaron Dembski-Bowden, pp. 6-7
  • Spear of the Emperor (Novel) by Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Chs. V, VIII, XIV, XVII
  • White Dwarf 460 (January 2021), pg. 44