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Warhammer 40k Wiki

An EtaCarn Plasma Pistol

The EtaCaran Plasma Pistol is a man-portable Plasma Weapon used by the military forces of the Leagues of Votann that possesses a short range yet still potent stopping power. It has the shortest range of any of the EtaCarn Plasma Weapons used by the Kin. It is often used as an alternative sidearm by the theyns who command squads of Hearthkyn Warriors.

However, Kin weapons like the EtaCarn Plasma Pistol are superior in almost every respect to those patterns of Plasma Weapons wielded by the agents and military of the Imperium, since the Kin employ superlative materials and methods in their construction and have no fear of further innovating on an ancient STC design. As a result, the EtaCarn Plasma Pistol and its variants often have longer ranges and more stopping power than any of their Imperial equivalents, and are far less prone to the explosive instability that particularly marks Imperial Plasma Weapons.


  • Codex: Leagues of Votann (9th Edition), pp. 93, 101