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Cthonian Beserks of the Greater Thurian League; the top three Beserks wield Heavy Plasma Axes; at the lower left is a Cthonian Beserk wielding a Cthonian Beserk Mole Grenade Launcher who is accompanied by an L-COG companion; at the lower right is a Cthonian Beserk wielding twin Concussion Gauntlets.

Cthonian Beserks are workers of the Cthonian Mining Guilds of the Leagues of Votann who can also serve as powerful assault infantry and melee combatants in many Kin Oathbands.

Cthonian Beserks are amongst the most heavily cybernetically-augmented and courageous of the Kin. Brandishing mining tools that they have repurposed as weapons of war and unleashing explosives that tunnel through solid rock through the use of their Cthonian Beserk Mole Grenade Launchers, the Beserks storm the enemy's strongpoints and break them open just like they would an asteroid filled with seams of precious ore.



A Cthonian Beserk of the Greater Thurian League outfitted with twin Concussion Gauntlets.

The courageous workers and part-time warriors of the Cthonian Mining Guilds represent some of the most heavily augmented Kin -- unreasonably brave souls who have enhanced the physical capabilities of their cloneskeins with cybernetic implants and upgrades, all the better to extract precious minerals from radiation-plagued nebulae, explosive asteroids, and fathomless ocean depths.

Boosted by the cyberstimms that flood their neurological and metabolic systems from their implants, the Beserks can keep battling through life-or-death situations. They eschew the highly-advanced, STC ranged weapons wielded by the rest of the Kin, using robust mining equipment such as Heavy Plasma Axes, Concussion Mauls and Concussion Gauntlets that are efficient in close, melee combat.

In the muscled (or mechanical) hands of Cthonian Beserks, these tools become weapons that can penetrate heavy armour or alien carapaces just as easily as stubborn rock and stone.

Unit Composition[]

  • 5-10 Cthonian Beserks


  • L-COG (Accompanies any Cthonian Beserk wielding a Mole Grenade Launcher)


Leagues of Votann Forces
Command KâhlTheynBrôkhyr Iron-masterGrimnyrEinhyr Champion
Elites Einhyr HearthguardEmbyr
Troops Hearthkyn WarriorsHearthkyn SalvagersHernkyn PioneerHernkyn YaegirBrôkhyr ThunderkynCthonian BeserksIronkin
Vehicles Magna-Coil Grav BikeSagitaurHekaton Land FortressColossus
Robotic Support COG (CORVE-COGL-COG)
Heroes Ûthar the DestinedYôht GrendokKôrv Grudgekeeper